
Tonfly Speed mod : top mount

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Hi there. I'm currently using a Tonfly Speed with a simple adhesive GoPro mount on the front and I think about "getting more serious" about shooting videos.

I'd like to modify the helmet to get a flat mount on top but I don't know how to deal with that. I saw the cookie flat lock which seems pretty nice but I don't know if it would work on the curves of my helmet. ( http://www.flycookie.com/news/2015/6/10/fuel-flat-lock-adapter-now-available/ )

Have someone ever tried this or have any other solution ? The goal is to screw a cam on top and preferably having it easily removable.

- a video noobie in the sport :D

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Thanks :) I will still wait here for an answer as I got no satisfaction in the answers of chuting star and basik.fr

None of them seemed to have tried this before. I'll compare the curves of the speed to the ones of my G3. If they are similar enough, the adaptor could do ! I also found other solutions to get a flat surface on top of the helmet like this one which have an adjustable angle : http://www.chutingstar.com/skydive/helmets/helmet-camera-mounts/evo-tilting-top-mount

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The bit in question is only on the adapter to helmet side, so if you wanted, you could just order an adapter and try it out. Worst case scenario, you are out $30, but you could probably sell it someone and get almost all of that back.

The EVO is primarily designed so you can change the pointing angle of the camera if I'm not mistaken, e.g. belly vs. tandem vs. freefly etc. If the curve of the helmet is significantly different, I don't think it will work either.

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Ok it seems that there is no answer for this question on the Internet...till now :D
No problem with mounting, only slight difference between helmet and flatlock curves, perfectly steady.


My savior :') What flatlock adaptator did you use ? The Fuel or G3 version ?

I was thinking about getting a custom composite plate made for my Speed (similar to one I saw here on an orange Fuel helmet)

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