
Sony X3000 action cam with BOSS!

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Nope. This is the first action camera (other than the Kickstarter Revl) with optical stabilization (BOSS). The X1000 and other Sonys only have electronic stabilization at 1080/60 and they make the image look like smeared puke. Optical stabilization is what allows the X3000 to still work at 4k/30 & 1080/120 since it doesn't require electronic image processing.

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Looks excellent, I have one of the first Sony's with BOSS but I haven't been flying outside video much, so I never get any further than having exit equipment make me a custom box.

This would be so much smaller and lighter.

I am guessing the bigger camera body would still handle low light and other conditions better overall though.
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Interestingly enough, it seems to have much less fisheye lens distortion, despite having a nearly identical FOV. I wonder if they changed the sensor area?
"Skydivers are highly emotional people. They get all excited about their magical black box full of mysterious life saving forces."

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Interestingly enough, it seems to have much less fisheye lens distortion, despite having a nearly identical FOV. I wonder if they changed the sensor area?

Wide angle lenses don't have to be fisheyes, they can be more rectilinear. Although every lens, and especially wide lenses have distortion. It just costs more money to make better lenses. Hopefully they did not shrink the sensor instead of improving the optics.

Edit, it appears they did shrink the sensor 1/2.5 as opposed to 1/2.3.
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I like the smaller remote, the old one is a tad too bulky to fit on a Viso wrist strap easily. It can be done, but it just sticks out.
"Skydivers are highly emotional people. They get all excited about their magical black box full of mysterious life saving forces."

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Anyone know if the X3000 or AS300 are backwards compatible with the old remote the RM-LVR2 or will they only work with the new remote the RM-LVR3?
Sky Switches - Affordable stills camera tongue switches and conversion adaptors, supporting various brands of camera (Canon, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic).

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Shot my first 4K video with the X3000 during 40-way day, dusk, and night dives last week in AZ (POV). I also shot 1080P wide with an X1000 and some backwards shots with an AS200. No direct side-by-side comparison available to GoPro, because I only had one of those and was using it to back-up my A6300 for stills.

I'll try to post some links in the next day or two.


I'll also try checking if the old remote works with the new cameras (and vice versa). I haven't used the remotes yet, so there may be a bit of a learning curve.

If weather and scheduling cooperates, and I can get out to the DZ in the next few days, I'll try a direct comparison between the X3000 with BOSS and the X1000 without in the same 4K mode. If someone has a 4K/30 capable GoPro they want to loan me, I'll shoot that too.

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What is your first impression?

That my very expensive, under two year old powerhouse laptop (4th gen i7-4810MQ, GeForce GTX980M, 32GB DDR3 1600, 3x SSD) needs an upgrade to smoothly handle the high-bitrate 4K streams put out by these cameras. >:(

Other than that, I'm very happy with the quality so far. Looking forward to compare it side-by-side with my AX-53, if I ever get around to building a new top-plate to mount them both on.

Haven't been able to work with the footage yet. Will update when I do.

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***What is your first impression?

That my very expensive, under two year old powerhouse laptop (4th gen i7-4810MQ, GeForce GTX980M, 32GB DDR3 1600, 3x SSD) needs an upgrade to smoothly handle the high-bitrate 4K streams put out by these cameras. >:(

Maybe that is the case but you could try checking the power settings, if I unplug my laptop it automatically changes to a power-saving mode which results in video not playing well.
Make sure it's on a 'high power' setting.

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***Anyone know if the X3000 or AS300 are backwards compatible with the old remote the RM-LVR2 or will they only work with the new remote the RM-LVR3?

It seems that it is compatible.


Interesting. Seems you can do everything on the RM-LV2 on these cameras that you could on the AS200 for example, EXCEPT change the steadyshot settings...

So unless the BOSS is on always, seems strange you can't toggle it on/off with the old remote.
Sky Switches - Affordable stills camera tongue switches and conversion adaptors, supporting various brands of camera (Canon, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic).

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