
2 gopro for 4 way video?

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You may set two different field of views..

narrow - medium - wide - superview

so the whole formation (like on exit) or details can be seen ...

Backup is also an issue ..

With sufficient thrust,
pigs just fly well

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You may set two different field of views..

narrow - medium - wide - superview

so the whole formation (like on exit) or details can be seen ...

Backup is also an issue ..

Exactly what he said. Backup and different angles. If you happened to be too close and cut off a grip, the wider angle will have it.
my pics & stuff!

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You may set two different field of views..

narrow - medium - wide - superview

so the whole formation (like on exit) or details can be seen ...

Backup is also an issue ..

I've been thinking about the two different angles thing.... How does this work in a competition? I mean, how do you decide which video you give to the judges.... Do you check the footage before you upload it? Or do you get a second change to upload after a point got busted? ( I would not think so)
Or is it a matter of knowing you screwed up and then decide to go for the wider angle....in which case the team may be too tiny, costing you points as well?

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My reply goes more to the start of that thread.
> Starting video for a 4 way team ..
So for the coach and the flyers, a different set of views might be helpful in training, especially if the videoflyer is less experienced.

For competition I do not have enough information about specific rules to judge that. I only know that a former videoguy for an 8-way team used to have several cams on the helmet with different lenses. he mentioned the back-up and the exitview if the judges were in doubt (that 8way was fast with transition from exitmove to 1st point and break ..).

so I guess for competition and 4way, different sets of angles are not that point. here the back-up is more the issue. A videoflyer should then be able to have all the flyers visible and judgeable on the screen.

With sufficient thrust,
pigs just fly well

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***You may set two different field of views..

narrow - medium - wide - superview

so the whole formation (like on exit) or details can be seen ...

Backup is also an issue ..

I've been thinking about the two different angles thing.... How does this work in a competition? I mean, how do you decide which video you give to the judges.... Do you check the footage before you upload it? Or do you get a second change to upload after a point got busted? ( I would not think so)
Or is it a matter of knowing you screwed up and then decide to go for the wider angle....in which case the team may be too tiny, costing you points as well?

I think once it's been uploaded that's it. In the case where I used the backup I was pretty sure I chopped a grip so I just used the wider angle. Once I downloaded the vid I went back and watched the main video to be sure and it was very close.
my pics & stuff!

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When it comes to judging, what you submit is what you get, usually the camera guy knows right away if there is a possibility of a bust on exit or freefall. So at that point, you would go review the footage before submitting it for judging. Back in the days of tape it was easy to review the jump. Now, if your camera does not have a playback feature, you need a tv or laptop to review it.

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