
Back Tracking

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I seen a lot of discussion about back tracking in resent posts and I was curious what's the best way to get into a back track from a sit without corking? I'm stable in a sit and can turn and drive forward and stuff, but I can't seem to transition to a back track very well, help please!!!
Blue Ones,
A# 39553

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From a sit it's very easy. Basically just go limp and drop into a relaxed backfly. That will maintain fall rate. Then slowly start leaning back and pushing down with the arms & legs until you wind up in a full back track.
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"what's the best way to get into a back track from a sit without corking?"
The best tracking is done with a slow vertical speed so you ARE going to cork if you go from sit to a back track......... I dont understand why you want to do this............ back flying is a different discipline to sit-flying.
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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Back tracking is similar to tracking on your belly - it's a slow falling maneuver, and meant to gain maximum horizontal separation in minimum vertical distance.. If you go into a proper back track from a sit, you WILL cork.. Back tracking is not something that comes easy for most - probably just because most people don't try it or practice it.. I can track much faster, flatter, and farther on my back than on my belly.. Back tracking is great for leading a tracking dive and shooting video of the group..

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I started using a semi-back track for break off, though. It's not a true back track, more of a back fly with forward movement. Although it's slower then my sit fly (most people's head down is slower then my sitfly), it's still really cook'n along. That's what I was talking about. It gives me a chance to look above, left, right for a bit from break off before I roll over check below, etc and dump.
Do you suggest not doing something like that for break off?
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I dont understand why you want to do this............ back flying is a different discipline to sit-flying.

EEEEKKK! Discipline schmisipline! I thought we were talking about FREEflying. Yes, if you're gonna cork, be alone, or all plan to cork at once, but dammit end a five way flower with a belly accordian, then barrell roll onto your backs and track away if you want to. It's FREE!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Missy the 225 lb. Meat Missile
Sky World

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I also discovered this weekend that tracking on your back is completely useless during the break off of an RW formation. I momentarily did it out of habit...(Hadn't done a belly fly since November) I discovered that you can't really have much of a view of everyone else. You can see them much better in a conventional track with your chin on your chest. I still recommend a nice barrel roll after 2-3 sec of tracking though.
"I only have 131 jumps, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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EEEEKKK! Discipline schmisipline! I thought we were talking about FREEflying.

Yeah I know - but I meant if you are in a sit fly group - you dont want to flip to back track - if no one else is - you know what I mean - I like to keep it free.............. but also free and safe................ I meant it was a different skill........... sorry for confusion!!!
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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"I still recommend a nice barrel roll after 2-3 sec of tracking though"
Just an observation, I used to jump with a freeflyer that used to make the exact same recommendation to other jumpers, he had 300 jumps at the time, so he was considered relatively experienced by newer jumpers. On a jump last season, he did his barrell roll after 2-3 seconds of tracking and when he went belly again after the barrell roll, he proceded to tear another jumper's Crossfire 129 into two seperate canopies as he fell through the jumpers open main, right through the center cell. By the grace of God, they both lived, but he's no longer making the recommendation to barrell roll after tracking. I was on this jump with them, and witnessed the collision while under canopy. The scariest thing I have ever seen.
Everyone has a different opinion of barell rolling, just make sure your air is clean below you when you do it, because this jumper swears up and down that he had no one under him when he barrell rolled.
To each their own I say, everyone has there own preference, I just wanted to throw that out on the board as a point/counter point.
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