ramon 0 #1 March 21, 2002 Mommya freaks, don you let your kids grow up be like Levin.Kid ain't raht. Dang boy all red an yaller n got big ole cameras on is haid. Dat yung un broke is ankle on an Alpha (read an yaller) but got hisself a FX 74 to make up fer it. an its red an yaller too. Plus he got them frankenstein orthopedic boots which he thinks fer his ankle but reely fer kickin you out da formation.Boy jumps a racer...spelled R-A-C-E-R...red an yaller..like I had to tell ya. Legen has it he never change his velcro...jus a dying to wrap up some yung un..strangle da life out im.ya ask me..boy got a thing fer danger. like to crash in ta people when flyin dat dang tube o his.....yea it's yaller.just the oder day he was in chicago showin dem yankees a thang or two. dis smart ass suthern yankee wit ...git dis..yaller hair...try to take Levin's big yaller tube out. ...aint happening...not dat yaller tube, not dat day. Dat yaller headed jackass didn't know Levin hisself couldn't be taken out by a bad break off on a tube jump.Crazy boy like taking a big ole copenhagen dip on a 5 minute call fore he got his gear on...his dumb friends all awaitin on a load that they aint even mainfested fer...who wuz manifestin.....Levin...Boy goes to the bathroom fore every load. some people say hes using them toilets, but I know he's a tightening dem boots...an making them newbies sweat, while da plane pulls up...proly enjoying dat dip while he contempalits what exotic torutes hes goan do to dem newbies, raht fore he wraps up in a RACER cocoon of DEATH....and it will be on video , son.Some folks say he's dances with the spirits. just the other day in a fast freefly his podnahs goggles come off causing quite a ruckus.do Levins....naw...there yaller too. Lawd have mercy, boy ain't got no cypres eitherr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #2 March 21, 2002 Bwahahahaha!!!! "Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #3 March 21, 2002 R A M O N H A S S A I D I T A L L..................aaaaahhhhhhhwwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaTa Best thread I have EVER seen.....!!!!!!!!!!!The Damn Truth comes out!!!Oh hell yeah. No cutaways Ann, No not me I am so careful ... Ringalingaling..... Hello? - Ann, Levin had a cutaway.........SCREEECHHH.. out the neighborhood, Anns car goes Mach 29 reaching the 40 min away DZ in less than 18 minutes. He looks fine...... But still.... I may have had some dirt in my eyes cause they were watering ... No cutaways in 980 something jumps.... Then later he goes and has two in less than 2 weeks. (Where is my bottle of tranquilizers)Takes the boyeee 45 minutes to pack his old Alpha (gone now). Every tiny thing had to be perfect....... AND it has to match.... color coordinated. Levin Jackson custom designed Fire Fly, socks, matchin boxers. (I guess)Dude comes home each night and we watch his landings.......Looks like a lot of grass ... then tip, tap, tap, tap, ... and canopy hits the ground. Thats about all you see...... BUT you have to watch ALL of them... (which reminds me Levin you are in big trouble for one of those)Diet of Champions---Diet Coke for breakfast, Lucky Charms for later, very thinly sliced ham with Moester cheese thinly sliced, crousants, lots of bananas and LUBYS Liver. And steaks. NO Green Stuff, and Purple ketchup... Sesnsitive face shavers cause he has like 8 or 9 hairs to shave on his face, creates drag- gotta go. .....and One Skyy Beer per evening.BUT, he is the best little freeflyer in Texas. And a little shyt!But he is also MY Kid, talk about my momma if you have to... but not my Kid or my Dogs.Who else would stay awake all night to help with school papers or obtain 10,000 pictures of Levin in all concieveable angles off freeflying tapes.Then again, I do have that RW suit picture, but its way too sexy to show the women in here. Lord oh Lord. Its black and white and tight. Levin whould not know what to do what so ever when the women line up. He never did kiss that one girl he dated for a month. I will say this he is a gentleman. (Levin, you better have a wallet washer, the little round thingy packaged kinda like a handy wipe? If not I have a box of extras, maybe expired I will have to look) Ann ~ www.AirAnn.comOwner of recent pictures of Levin in RW suit.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites