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Id like to learn to freefly, what are the best techniques to practice and how do I do them ? Any suggestions and advise will be appreciated.
Everytime I try and get into a sit position, it lasts for about a second and then ends up almost like a backloop.
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We dont know your expierience level, so lets just presume you have a "sensible" number of jumps, and are competent flying belly to earth.
I'll also presume you have suitable equipment for falling faster and in the different positions assosiated with sit/head flying.
If none of the above apply, be patient and wait untill the above do.
Plan 1.The easiest and cheapest way to learn sit flying is to find someone really good, who flies camera, and can cope with your inexpierence, and get them to jump with you.
You can pay them, offer them food, sexual favours, whatever, just get them to jump with you, and spend the whole jump trying you sit.
Get down, pack, watch the video and listen to what people have to say.
Plan 2.
Get out last on the load if possible,on your own, and from your belly position, in one smooth action, stick your arms out behind you as far as possible and bring your knees into your chest.
This is pretty primitive but you cant expect a much more on your first few.
Master this "knees tucked in" position first, until you can hold it all the way down to pull time.
Just make sure your last out the plane and youll be ok.
Know use this basic knees up position as your new "nuetral"
position. what i mean by this is if you feel yourself go unstable in future, go back to this position. Practice at home.
From now on after this you will NEVER go back to your belly on a freefly jump. EVER.
Your either belly flying or sit flying. NOT both. Remember this it may save your life one day.
Now from here, while still jumping on your own and being last out the plane, bit by bit progress towards a more "conventional" sit position. ie knees spread 45 degrees apart, knees bent at 90 degrees and arms like you have your arms around two people either side of you for a photo.
(ie shoulder height, elbows slightly bent, hands level with nipples)
When you have done maybe 20 solo jumps and feel 100% you will never have to retreat onto your belly again to gain stability, then you are ready to do a 2 way with someone with someone you trust can keep you BOTH safe, (ie they can deal with your zooming around)
You take it from there yourself. Dont get on jumps YOU know your not ready for. And stick with expierenced jumpers, alot safer and youll learn faster.
Hope this helps a bit. Just remember. safe safe safe safe.
keep it safe.

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From now on after this you will NEVER go back to your belly on a freefly jump. EVER.
Your either belly flying or sit flying. NOT both. Remember this it may save your life one day.

could you comment this a bit more, as i feel when i try the first time and anything goes wrong, e.g. i'm spinning so badly, i think i'd instinctively arch and go on my belly.
and... how do i pull in as sit without getting unstable and then haveing an off heading opening? don't i pull in a box position?

life is to short for the pimp :)

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And on the first few jumps, while solo, I think it would be advisable to use common sense. If you are really spinning violently, or completely out of control and the new stable position isn't helping, since you'll be solo anyway at this level, GO TO YOUR BELLY and save your life. If you are anywhere near breakoff (I'd say anywhere near 6 Grand) and are really losing control, again while solo, cork out and prepare for pull time. But definitely TRY your best to learn this "sit stable" position as soon as possible, as you should not freefly with anyone else before you master stability in a fast body position.
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Hi Dale
What I would recommend is that you get a couple of coaching jumps off Alex or Gus. This will only cost you half their slot (since the DZ pays the other half), a total of £24 for a freefly coach jump is not much.
I'll be happy to jump with you, but was not even aware that you wanted to get into freeflying (ie talk to us dude, ESP isn't our thing! ;)). I'll be glad to hook you up with Steve Park as well, he helped me out a lot and is always keen to help newbies (and he has camera and always pays his own slot).
Please come and have a chat with me on Saturday and I'll introduce you to the experienced guys that will help you (same people who helped me out).
PS you need your FS1, a freefly friendly rig and CCI's permission to start freeflying (an audible is highly recommended too)
"Don't die until you're dead"

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