
detailed infos on pull desired

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hi @ll,
could anbody of the freeflying skygods describe in detail pls how to pull the first time when trying to sitfly?!
i'm working hard on my skills to sitfly, and would like to know how the cracks in here consider the proceedure of pulling when sitflying.
at my dz in southern germany i always jump last, solo, with a min. of 8-10 sec. of distance to the previous jumpers. when i get into a sit i work on getting the position stable. when it comes to pulltime, for the moment i feel safe to go back on my belly, stabilize and pull.
am i doing right or should i consider a new way for pull proceedure on freeflying?
any detailed info's very appreciated!
thx and

life is to short for the pimp :)

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There are a few ways to do this, we spent a fairly lengthy discussion talking about just this, you might want to read it and see the different opinions, it was a good one. :)"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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i went through many many posts here in the forum, loads of infos on starting to sit-/free-fly, but nothing very detailed on pulling out of a sit for beginners, as far as i was successfull on my search.
could you be so kind an tell me which "fairly lengthy discussion " in detail you are referring to?

life is to short for the pimp :)

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Hello- Welcome,
My thinking on this subject is that its easy. Sitflying is faster than RW belly, you always return to RW stable to pull, -ck airspace before and after returning to your belly. This will give you enough time theorically to slow down some so you wont whack yourself with an opening and also not to shread your canopy.
I personally try to break off formation at 5k, track, then around 3500 I am opening - there or around there. The newer you are the higher you pull. That really should be some kind of rule. I have had my nasty, nasty, wicked cutaway. And I was super glad I stuck to my plan. And its true- it was/is MY plan. I dont randomly pik an alititude to pull at. I have put a ton of thought into it.
Lately, I cant hear my ditter, before I jump next time its going inside my helmet. After a bad landing I couldnt hear outta that ear. So It goes inside.
But anyway, dont rely on your ditter, and if you dont have one get one. I put my alt on sideways, some persons put them on inside the wrist. Anyway, Mine sits on my thumb joint. I barely have to move it to see my alt. When you first are sitting just try to sit and ck alt over and over. You get that skill down quick. Later on you will need Alt awareness. Get to know what it looks and feels like. Feels like to fly sitting. Feel the air and work with it, dont fight it. When you are done with that practice landing well and on a target. You might as well you are going to land anyway...
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. Blk&Wht and tight, WHEWWW

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