
Help the Ladies!

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The Sugar Gliderz need your help...

If you know any talented women fliers who can fly headdown well and take grips and could possibly fly on a vertical big-way... please contact us.

We're on a mission to break the current freefly record with all ladies and we do not know every talented female freeflier.

Also, if you are someone that thinks that could do it, but aren't sure, we have two camps scheduled: April 19 & 20 at Skydive Arizona AND August 7 & 8 at Skydive Chicago. OR you can continue to train and practice until the attempts.

Please contact us at SugarGliderzFreefly@Hotmail.com.

Thank you for your efforts!

Missy Nelson
**Learning Never Stops**

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hey missy!
few q's 4 ya....
when are you planning to do the actual attempts, and are canadians allowed to participate? i still have a lot of fine tuning to do on my skills but this summer i plan to cut back on the instructing and focus more on me for a change! still hoping to be the first canadian female AD....if krista doesn't beat me 2 it! all the power 2 her if she does...she is deserving!
I do whatever the little voices tell me to......

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