
Anomaly TUNNEL CAMP: Dates & Prices

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I know it took a while to get this set up, but we're doing what we can to get this sorted so that everyone gets maximum tunnel time, the best coaching, and the best wind.

The dates have been set for:
Orlando, FL
May 13-15, we'll need to all be there on the 12th.
Last tunnel flight is 4AM on the 15th.

Coaches will be Juliana & Fabian, two of the best tunnel flyers in the world, and one of their other coaches TBD.

Each flyer will get approximately 2 full hours in the tunnel... EVERY MINUTE OF IT WILL BE COACHED.

Your hotel is included in this price. All rooms are double occupancy.

And finally, the cost:
Barring any unforseeable changes...

We have a maximum camp size of 6 people. 2 slots have already been reserved. DON'T WAIT!!

Any questions or if you need more convincing, e-mail me at trentalkek@yahoo.com.
Oh, hello again!

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I know, I know, bumping my own thread...

But we're down to 1 slot for our tunnel camp. We're going either way, so if you'be been thinking about it e-mail me and come along.

If all goes well, we'll be hosting another camp in the fall when the air is cool again!
Oh, hello again!

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grrrr i wish..but work cant give me a definate location for that time so..[:/] let us know when the next is i really want to get some coach time in a tunnel

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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