
FreeFly Clothing/Suits in the UK ?

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"Does anyone know of any manufacturers of FreeFly Suits or Pants within the UK ?"
Why yes.....

Alternatively phone the DZs around London, you can get their contact details from the BPA homepage, or the back of the mag, and ask what they have 'in stock'.

I can only say good things abut Symbi, and I hear Chappie at Original Lizard makes some wikkid gear, cool hats no doubt about it.B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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There is also Skykid clothing based in Nottingham.
They make all sorts of clothing form RW to Freefly suits.
Prices are good too. Quote Matt from Langar and he may do you a deal.
PM me if you want his number.


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