
Falling down

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How does one break in sit without speeding up?

First i'm not very good at sit, actually i'm still learning how to go forward and backwards. and when i do a 2-way with a friend, we're not so close after exit :) so we have to get together. going forward and maintaining relative altitude, isn't a problem at all. if i'm too slow i just stand up a little bit, and i haven't been too fast at going forward yet. but when we are close enough to start brakeing, as i lean forward i always fall below him. i already have legs wide spread and arms straight to the sides.

is there any trick to slow down fallrate when reducing forward speed (leaning forward)?

Any advice is good.
"George just lucky i guess!"

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Could be any number of things, but I often find that when this happens it's because the knees are high and not as far apart as they could be so when you lean forward it causes you to "Cannon ball" down.

Forward motion - well there are a ton of ways to do this. Th emost effective I've found requires you to push your pelvis slightly forward. This presents your back to the wind more and "automatically" adjusts your legs to the correct position. The last thing to do is then press the legs down slightly to maintain fallrate as the pelvis motion causes your back and legs to grab more air (Motion is somewhat hard to explain in text).

Good luck,

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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