
Team jumps

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Hi there,
We're preparin' ourselves 4 competing in a national championship (our first), and I've a query to you, guys, who've jumped in teams.
We've been sharing the camera almost every second jump, so that the 2 guys preform, while the other is flying the camera. The question is whether we should continue flying that way, or one should focus on the cameraflying, while the other two - on the performance.
The reason I'm asking is that I'm the guy who's to film the guys, and I'm concerned on my personal progress at that time.
Thanx 4 UR help!

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Although you can certainly continue to switch slots around on a team, to trully get that nice team interaction, I think you need to have the same people fly the smae slots all the time. It will work the way you are doing it, but if you are going to the Nationals, you really need to be clicking. If you still don't have the slots decided, I think the Nationals are getting a little ahead of yourselves.

As far as working on yourself and flying camera- Flying the camera slot is probably more challenging to perfect on a team jump. If you want to work on some other things, go out on a non team jump and do that, btu I wouldn't recommend the switching around the camera slot thing.

I think you need to make a comitment on a team to either fly camera or 2 way. It is something you should discuss with the other members.

That's my 2 cents

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Thanx, Chris
The reason for getting into the nationals is to get more experience, we have no illusions about our current level.
Perhaps it's wise to stick to slots now, and go on changing'em after the nationals.
Another thing is that the other two are flying stable headdown, while I fly solid headup positions, and while I can film them rather well in my headup, I'm focused on learning to fly headdown and it's definitely not worth doing while team jumpin'. Perhaps we should split for a couple of weekends...
Haven't made up my mind yet.

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I would agree with Chris on the dedicated slot thing while you're learning.

But I would also like to say that you're not doing a 2-way with camera. You're doing a 3-way. I don't mean that strictly in the numbers sense, but in your actual performance and routine, as well.

Camera interaction is critical and makes for much more dynamic video. At your level, if you can remember that and incorporate it into your routines, you'll be far ahead of most.

Even though you're not on video, the judges (and other flyers) will see your performance. (Plus you have the ability to make the 2 on video look better! ;) )

Good Luck!

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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Early in your team career use dedicated slots. You as the camera man can actually use this time to experiment to a large degree.

The camera man gets to fly his ass off so don't worry too much. You have to be able to move quick enough to hide seperation, get the good angle for each move, You have your hands full. You guys will progress MUCH quicker if you don't switch off all the time.

One word of advise. While camera interaction is a good thing, Making the subjects appear to not move around alot is key. Your shit hot move may make the video confusing. If it looks good it is good. The judges like interaction but you must be able to stay put as best you can to make for a judgable video.

If you do a weadeter at the same time your partners do, it just looks chaotic.

That said, Be creative, but not too creative.

When it comes time to Change off, you'll be able to use what you know about flying, and what your partners know about close interaction to your advantage.

If it's set that you are the camera man, be happy with that decision and fly your ass off. Good camera flying is an art. Any one can wear a camera but shooting a kick ass video takes some serius skill.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Once you've worked out a routine or two - or even just some cool moves, it's a great idea to show your vid around. Hopefuly you have some experienced flyers/camera flyers at your dz that can give you hands-on advice or suggestions. Just know that you're not just a tripod in the air.

>>Maybe i just like performing more than I like filming<<

It's hard work and an on-going process to become a shit-hot camera flyer. If you don't think you'll be happy or would rather perform - and if your team isn't really going for competition but rather for fun and to further your overall skills - don't commit yourself to something that won't keep you fired up in the air. Switch it up, have fun. Get the experience in all slots. Maybe one of your performers will discover he'd rather fly camera...

Just make sure everyone on your team has the same goals.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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