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Hi everyone

I'd like to know how widespread is the atmonauti flight. We do a lot of it with Marco and Gi in Lapalisse (France). It is becoming more and more common in France. There is even one atmonauti figure in the championship program. However I don't know how widespread it is abroad, specially in the US.

Bue sky;)

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To be quite honest, I've never even heard of it. :S Could you please elaborate so that those of us who haven't been over to Europe since we started jumping will have some clue what's going on?? ;) Thanks!!!!

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D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
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The atmonauti flight is a 45 degres angle flight, either on belly or on the back. It was invented by Marco Tiezzi and Gigliola Borgnis. Basically, the position is the same as in head down but with the upper part of the body creating an angle, not at all like the track position. Unlike a track where people follow the reference, eveyone in the jump has to be at the head level, just like a head down big way but switching the horizontal reference level to a 45 degres reference level. The feelings are great. The atmonauti flight is more efficient than the track. You can reduce your vertical speed down to 155 km/h. On the other hand, you can have much more control over the movements and it is pretty easy to construct jumps with many people gripping each other and it is accessible to people who don't yet master the head down.
Gi even does it feet firsts, standing in the angle. So far, she's the only one to be able to do it. I did not think it was possible before seeing it.

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Hmm.......it all sounds very cool, but I'm not sure how to picture the body position, or the relation to the horizon. do you have any pics to perhaps clear this up?? I'd love to try it. Any tips???


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D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Well I've been trying to find pictures or articles on the web without any success or I only founf articles in French or Italian.
It is hard to explain by words but easy to show to someone. Basically, on the ground , imagine that you are head down in a nice straddke. The legs are open and the arms on the sides of the chest, not too high. Now, don't move your legs but push your chest forward and slightly bend your knees. You look like a toad and you are in the belly position. It is the reverse for the back position. The best is to do it with an experience atmonaut for the first time, in order to pick up the right angle. What I can say is that it is closer to the horizontal that to the vertical. When you are flying on your belly, look between your legs and that is where you should see the fellows flying on their backs. On your belly, the visual is mostly on the groung and on the back you only see the sky. Horizontally speaking, the people on their backs have to remain after the ones on their belly and the ones that are above the formation have to be in front of the ones below. As I said, the reference level is switched from a vertical one to a 45 degres reference. Consequently, there is no problem of depression.
Regulate the proximity by adjusting your angle. For example, if you are on the back but to low, push on your arms andmove your chest forward, then your angle will be more flat. If you are on the belly, move your chest forward and your angle will increase.
I hope I made it clear. It can be a little tricky at the begening to get the proper angle, but believe me, it can be great fun because you can easily put 10 to 20 people in a atmonauti jump safely. When you find the right angle, you will feel like the absence of gravity. Its is pretty weird and hard to explain.

In case you do not manage, come to France next summer for the Vichy Boogie and we'll convert you to the atmonauti tribe.;)

If you know someone you understands italian, visit http://www.frick-atmonauti.com/

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Hi guys, these are the pistures I have found. I don't know if you cfan really realize the angle from these.
They include a tandem atonauti.
Besides, what is the max size of attachments? I have other pictures of Gi standing in the angle and others but I can not reduce them lower than 600kb in jpg (or they will look very bad)

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Gi even does it feet firsts, standing in the angle. So far, she's the only one to be able to do it. I did not think it was possible before seeing it.

Gi incorporated it into the beginning of one of her routines at the World Cup... I think it's her. Either way it's dope.


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The atmonauti flight is more efficient than the track. You can reduce your vertical speed down to 155 km/h.

Please explain how this is more efficient than tracking and what you mean by efficient (slower vertical, faster horizontal?)
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What I call efficiency is the horizontal speed/ vertical speed ratio. I don't know the exact term in English. According to Marco, this ratio can be better in atmonauti than in normal track because of the body position. It can seem strange because your body has more angle in atmonauti flight than in track, but it is more aerodynamic and thus creates a kind a lift effect (like a canopy). On some pictures, you can see that the rigs of the ones flying in the belly is lifted from the body due to this lift effect. This is how you can reach low vertical speeds. The higher your horizontal speed is, the lower your vertical speed is. In tandem, Marco can fly at 180 km/h without the small stuff to slow you down (sorry, I don't now the term in English).

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Well, the problem is that it was the freestyle competition, so you don't see very well the angle because you have no reference. However, I found it pretty cool when I saw her gripped by two guys in normal atmonauti, demonstrating that you can do the vertical stuff also in an angle., including eagles; spoks...

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atmonauti, or astroMcnaughty , is basically just tracking.
if you break horizontal flight down into various aspect as in
1. high angle
2. low angle
with high speed and low speed caveats
astromcnaughty is just high angle low speed tracking

if you look at it over the last couple of years though, using espace boogie as the benchmark, it has gotten progressively shallower and shallower, its now more or less RW with everyone on thier backs now

very interesting thouh

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Check out these videos!

-1- Freefly team Babylon, round 2. The 3rd block is the atmonauti compulsory (handgrip, barrel rolls, handgrip). Watch the 45deg angle!

Clicky: http://www.mondial03.com/FFM_FRANCE_Babylon_R2.rm

-2- Freestyle team Frick Atmonauti. At the beginning of the free routine, Gi demonstrates feet-first-atmonauti for a few seconds (right after the initial frontloop after the exit).

Clicky: http://www.mondial03.com/FS_Borgnis3.rm

(Plenty more where that came from: http://www.mondial03.com/modules.php?name=Videos). You might want to watch Alchemy's video as well, while you're there!

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Could someone type this in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)?

In other words, How do you pronounce "Atmonauti"?

Is it, "At-Mah-Naw-Tee" ???

I've done it before but never had a name for the angle like that. Relative work is more challenging in mostly because of burbles. Head-level fall rate is super important. Those vids don't do the moves justice because they make it look sooooo easy.

As for slowing your vertical fallrate down, hmmmm? Between tracking and the atmonauti, it would really depend on a persons body shape/positioning/weight. Technically, in the "atmonauti", you are presenting less surface area to the relative wind. Unless your legs are arched behind the flyer, so that they are more flat (which would create a wing shape of the human body), there would be additional lift that would slow fall-rate.

Perhaps I'll organize one at the halloween boogie...B|

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In other words, How do you pronounce "Atmonauti"?

Is it, "At-Mah-Naw-Tee" ???

In New Jersey, yeah.

But the guys who invented it, being french or maybe italian, the latin base would come into play.

The "proper" pronunciation would be

At Mo Now Tee

But since it's an intentional corruption of "astronaut" you can just pronounce it like that and probably get away with it.

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Bonjour Arnaud!

I have seen Gi & Marco in action on the internet. Although I haven't seen many people in the US fly the atmonauti ~ Of course Gi rocks everytime i see her perform it^^ I have been studying it and hope to one day sucessfully fly the atmonauti ~ It would also be nice to visit Lapalisse ESpace Boogie*

au revoir pour maintenant~
--espoir de vous rencontrer un jour au espace boogie--**

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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Hi Mel

It-'s pretty easy to fly the atmonauti properly. It comes pretty fast, specially if you are already good in head down. his why it's cool: you can easily put to people in an atmonauti jump without the dangers of a 20way head down if the flyers are not very experienced.

Then see you in Espace Boogie next year in the atmonauti big ways (there are going to be plenty)


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It-'s pretty easy to fly the atmonauti properly. It comes pretty fast, specially if you are already good in head down. his why it's cool: you can easily put to people in an atmonauti jump without the dangers of a 20way head down if the flyers are not very experienced.

I really wish you'd stop saying this..
In my experience, quite the opposite is true.
I only attempt atmonauti with seriously competent head down slot flyers.

Consider this: the world meet in france included an atmonauti 2way point. Dock, simultaneous 360, re Dock. And every team, including champions alchemy reported that it was extremely difficult.

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