
Tips for back tracking, esp. the exit

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Meby I'm just not relaxing enough, but when I exit front float into a back track (like leading a tracking dive) I'm having difficulty flying the hill. I don't actually get unstable, but I'm not comfortable for the first couple of seconds.

After I'm off the hill I'm OK.

Any tips to try?

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Push the back of your legs down harder and use a wide body position. Think of how you'd do a poised exit into a track and how your body position would be, then just reverse it.

Tip. To more affectively push your legs down, extend them as far as you can, really exagerate it as if you could extend your legs 10 feet, then push them down against the wind.
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Meby I'm just not relaxing enough, but when I exit front float into a back track (like leading a tracking dive) I'm having difficulty flying the hill. I don't actually get unstable, but I'm not comfortable for the first couple of seconds.

After I'm off the hill I'm OK.

Any tips to try?

Put your arms out wider for stability as necessary. Also, Leave more proud to the relative wind, i.e. more head high.

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Meby I'm just not relaxing enough, but when I exit front float into a back track (like leading a tracking dive) I'm having difficulty flying the hill. I don't actually get unstable, but I'm not comfortable for the first couple of seconds.

Any tips to try?

Don't try to back track on the hill.

It's better to exit in a lazy sit position - backflying the relative wind.
Turn on to your heading and then gradually extend.

This makes it easier for everyone else on the dive. If you all start tracking up the hill, it starts to get very confusing. By sinking out, you put everyone into the power position of slightly above you, and then they will have something to work with when you hit the gas.

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