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Havent talked to him in 6 days. [:/]
He was doing real good, not online very much tho.

He set up this one for me to send pictures of his CAT to -> levin11levin@hotmail.com

A few people have that email now and so do you!

Supposed to be no spam in this email so there should be plenty of room for everyone to write. Tee hee....:ph34r:


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I emailed him, but the mother #&#$er didn't write me back. B|

Maybe you should steal something else....like his.....um.....I dunno.....his pants or something. Then he'd br FORCED to write back!! B|B|B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Nick you are killing me.

That first camera jump I did & filmed you and some blue sky is all over the internet. Has been evidently for some time. Sombody put a begining on there ANN's FIRST VIDEO JUMP. They didnt put STARing Smilin Nick.

I left out the part about me breaking my leg on that jump. As you recall the whole thing was on tape..:S Including everyones plea not to drive myself to hospital.... Jerry told me not to tape over it. But I did. ;) After the deal my adrenalin was goin wild. All I know is I was bound and determined to drive myself. It worked out. I used my other leg.

Well, anyway... Video is on Skydive Movies, AirAnnOne, I think. But its all you & a little head down in which I turned 180 degrees the wrong way. Top mounts are weird.

But dont bother with that one... video AnnZak is hysterical. First jump without a FF suit on. Pretty crummy, I was all over trying to figure out how to fly with chicken legs. I did a shoulder dock on ole Zak. Oops. Then I did a sit cartwheel to straighten back out. Trent saw and BAILED or sunk out on purpose. But the ending is the thing!

I need to get my website up and show the vid where Hooknswoop swoops perfectly right into SLands hangar. Levin wont let me use the one where he swoops into a herd of cows at San Marcus and is yelling Mooo Moooooooo. That is another gem.

Wrong Way- WEll, Yeah... That is the thing. The shyt wont write. I am about to get a freaking stamp out and snail main the sob. That is why I wanted to give his CAT email out - so everyone could write direct and see WTF Levin! :(~He is missed that is for sure.

Brit drug him out to Gladewater last weekend. Little Levin was too cold to jump into the fridged air..... whine. Yet this is totally not unsual. He never has liked the cold. At least she got him to a DZ. AND brought my rig back. AND when I get it back she is giving me a free repack cuz I helped her sew something. 2 Snaps up for Brit.


I am working on airann & also, I am working more on BarkHard.com, my other. I think I may split that site. My skateboard friends will really want me to put up my circa 1986 pictures of the Band playing that I took. Turns out anything BarkHard is of value now. A big Boyz deck is worth about $1000. Johnny Gibson is now with SugarShack - in Houston, back from the east coast - playing at Rudz on the 27th.

For you who dont know Rudz (Rudyards British Pub) is a well, lotz a nights I cant remember being there date back to 1980's. http://rudyards.com/

Sugar Shack will be there with Clouseaux that night.

*John Gibson formerly of Bark Hard. Pro skater back in mid 80's. Had his own deck now worth someplace around 300-$1000 in ex condition. (Zorlac) Ken Fillion, member Bark Hard, still Pro, has his own deck currently. KEN was an Orbit Punk, it turns out. LOL tiny planet. I surfed on the same team as Danny Davis's brother Terry. Good Lord.....

Skydivers check out Lola's for a special Skydiver extra shot drink from Danny. ;)

Anyway, I need to write a book or if I could cut out all the krap; a brochure of underground Houston history. Urban Animals anyone?

I am old - but I am cooler than anyone in their 20s. Believe THAT.

or not...


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