
Tracking Formations - Any Ideas?

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I'm trying to come up with some tracking formations for an event... I know the basic "V", but I'm having a tough time coming up with others... I imagine that there won't be more than 7-9 participants and included in that are only 2 people flying on their backs at a time... 7-10 jumps total... Camera fliers are not included in these numbers...

Any ideas for additional formations? (pictures or drawings would be ideal)

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You could do a multiple orientation tracking dive where you start out with the leader in the middle on his back and the rest of the formation is in a vertical V above the leader. The leader then transitions to an atmonauti, then HD, then atmonauti the other way, then to a belly track so you end up tracking one way and basically turning around. The rest of the formations goes from belly tracking, to atmonauti, to HD, to the other atmonauti to back tracking.
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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Ari, great idea, and we did that last week and it was just too easy! Seriously though, I like the idea of having the V more vertical than horizontal, and even reversing the V so the leader is behind the rest of the group, looking up and forwards at both sides of the formation... Still looking for ideas for formations (single point formations)

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reversing the V so the leader is behind the rest of the group, looking up and forwards at both sides of the formation

This allows the leader to have a better back track as well. You could also do a round following this idea where the formation is in front of and above the leader who is on his back.

If that and the V's are too easy then do multiple "points." Start with a standard V (leader in front), go to a reverse V, go to a round.

You could also to a standard V where the leader is on his belly above and in front of the rest of the formations and every one is on their backs looking up and forward to the leader.

You can lead it in a reverse track on your belly so you are going feet first looking back at the formation.
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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