
headup linked exit ??

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anyone managed to get a linked 4way headup star from a twin otter ?? we tried it once last week, had loads of fun, stayed linked for a while, but was more head down than head up...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Hi fishy,

We did a 3-way headup linked out of a otter, but did a front-flip as exit-move. It worked pretty good and we all ended up standing.

2 in the door, 1 inside the plane. The jumper inside must give enough momentum to the group so the thing starts rotating; the key to success is to straighten all legs at the same time, otherwise the thing starts to spin..

But sorry, you asked for a 4-way headup star, without a flip I guess... :)
Feet up!

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We've played around with 3way headup flower (with free hand grabbing shoulder), with some success. The main thing is to hit the angles properly - person facing tail leans forward. Hardest position is the person who is facing into the plane - they must fly at a sideways angle. Fun stuff... :)

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yep thats one of the hardest exits to pull off. i had 2 succesful 3way h/u flowers. i wont be a name dropper but having 2 of sd az's best sure helped make it succesfull. ive come close with other people, but ther flippin hard tp pull off.
with a h/d exit you have proccessing time to adjust incorrect posistions as you feel things going wrong. with h/u flowers its over before you know it. lol they go bad real fast.

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Did a leglocked 4way sit exit once. Flipped over once after exit, but we managed to stabilize it. Released when we started to go too slow for the other 3 guys...

Two floaters out, two "divers". All wrap their right legs together and then lock it using the left leg (preferably the floaters). Front diver holds floater by the left riser cover, divers hold hands, rear diver holds rear floater by right riser cover. Floaters hold hands too.
Once out, lock those legs as hard as possible and hold on to those arms, then physics will put it upright after (the very likely) flip over. Loads of fun.:)
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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