
Headdown 4-way

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Hello all!
I'm thinking about organising a headdown 4-way fun competition thing. Does anyone have any experience of this?
If you do, tell me everything! lol.
What kind of formations work well?
Is there a rough dive pool anywhere?
If there is which formations are difficult/easy etc?
What format did the competition run?
Any advice for camera? (from above/below etc)
Should the formations be launched or should the exit be free and then build from there?

What is everyones thoughts?


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If your look'n for some real fun, do it "10-way" style! Behind the lind and dive out. Time how fast it takes to build the first point and deducted a second for every point made after. 4-way Speed Baby! Its a hit here! Team with the least time wins.
Colon Berry
seek and destroy, clear and sweep, what ever you want to call it, its all fun in games in the game of war.

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