
Cant keep my back straight

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A few years ago I fractured my T12 and L1 in a landing accident (I dont do hook turns any more) and now I cant head down to save my life.

I have scoliosis (to the right) in my back and as such it is never straight. I have done exercises such as pilates and this helps alot, and I can do head up flying fine (now), but I cant keep my back straight without being too stiff and unstable whilst head down.

Anyone got any tips? Especially from others who have spinal issues would be great.


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Get your Big Wings out there (legs), and try to relax your upper body. Kinda start by hanging off your legs, then finesse your unique body from there.

If you can jump with a coach, they can help asess your body position.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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If you can jump with a coach, they can help asess your body position.

Thanks for the tip GG, but the coach tells me "your body is too stiff, relax". Im sort of like, "I know that" :)

What my drama is I simply cant... Its much easier for those with an intact spine....

The moral of the story, dont do hook turns... Or rather dont fuck them up.

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There's a way for you to compensate - if you're just physically unable to straighten your back, you can use other positions or other body parts to compensate. It won't be the most efficient way to fly but over time you could master it.

But if you can walk straight up down - possibly once you get more comfy in an inverted position, you'll relax into it.

Find a *Very experienced coach (has a school - teaches for a living - has 1000s of jumps) and get video.

Good luck!

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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I agree with Freeflybella. Your body will eventually try to sort it's way out. Don't think about it too much, and let your body flow as liquid as possible. Don't fight the wind. (You'll loose anyway.)

You should see my crooked body headdown. I have even had someone stare at me and try to striaghten me out. She just couldn't believe that my body could look so crooked and fall straight down.

Learning to freefly is challenging for everyone. You'll work it out. Just keep huckin' yourself out of a plane with a good attitude and you'll master anything you set your heart on.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Youre right... I can walk straight up and down no worries, and I dont look injured at all to someone that has never met me before (or has even known me for two or so years but doesnt know about my injury).

Maybe I should fly my Aussie arse to Orlando and spend a couple of hours in the tunnel or something? :)

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Ahh! You're Aussie! Why didn't you say so! ;)

I know plenty of you buggers and you guys can do everything! I even have a fool-proof cure for hiccups that I learned from some Aussies!

;) Sounds like getting comfortable in the air is right on. Tunnel time will help with body position but in my (limited) experience has nothing to do with getting comfy in actual freefall.

Go easy and keep an optimistic and open mind. :)

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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Whats this hiccup cure you speak of?

My husband and I LOVE spicy food. Particularly Thai food. Unfortunately, the first bite of anything spicy gives him the hiccups. Badly.

Ever since we learned this trick - we look stupid in our favorite Thai restaurant - but it has a 100% success rate on him.

It takes 2 people:

One person places their palms over the ears of the person with hiccups. You must create a good suction by holding tight.

The person with the hiccups then drinks half a glass of water straight through.

The hands are slowly released from the ears and voilá - no more hiccups.


Credit: Damo and Mush

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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I have even had someone stare at me and try to striaghten me out


That's funny. I never thought of that but you are crooked :P

Uh oh.. someone hold me ears...

Don't you remember when we tried to build my harness shorter on one side to accomodate my crookedness?

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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