
Fun 3D things to try without a coach

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:)Here’s a few things you may not have had a go at that are heaps of fun and faerily easy to do well without resorting to being “trained”.

(1)Frontlooping Cats.

If you’ve done a few front loops in a row or front layouts etc you’ll find these pretty easy to achieve. If you haven't you'l probably still find it a lot of fun trying.

It works well with a 2way or 3way cat. 4way and up it gets a bit trickier but is still doable with more care required concerning weight/ability distribution.

Method ----- Get in your cat and front loop away . The front person dives down and under while the back person grabs a bit of air and lifts the tail.It helpes if the front person is more experienced/skilled as they get it going and keep it going. Once the loops get going you get a real feel for it and subsequent front loops don’t require as much effort as the initial one does. They get a momentum all there own a bit like layouts when done well.

Front looping a 3 way cat continuously down to breakoff is HOT FUN .
These things won’t move around the sky much but do tend to lose altitude a bit fast when they get going...(so usual cautions apply.)

(2)Fold off the front and get on the back type dives.

These can be done well up to about 8ways but 4-5 ways seems to work best with lower jump number people. The basic shape can be a stairstep , cat or closed & opened accordians .no doubt other formations can be tried with this basic idea. (When you try this you'll see why its a 3D.)

Method -------Get in the formation....front peels off and flies along the side getting on at the back. As the loose bod gets on the next front drops off flies down the back gets on etc. If some-one spins out too far the next front just goes anyway. This dive can build up a momentum and if done well can be very challenging.
Doing this with accordians is a bit different to the stairsteps & cats as the direction of turn alternates..

These can turn into zoos pretty easily if you rush ...so don’t rush there’s no hurry (this is not about turning multiple points although if done well you will) and you get better visuals & geeks if you take your time . Once again a good fun (no-brainer.)

(3) Upside down dragouts

The idea here is to do a standard drag out of any description (2-6 recommended) and tip it over.
You can do this immediately or wait until it settles down. This FUN jump can really help a lot if you do 4way comp as it settles you down and reduces tensions if one of your more serious comp DO’s goes bung .

After flying the formation upside down for a while flip it back over or freebuild the next formation or the same one again and flip it over again. This one is TOO much fun.


PS I've got nothing against coaching or coaches.... I'm one myself. Just make them pay for their skydive if they want to have fun with you.

edited 'cause a reference to some coaching tactis could have been misconstrued:)

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