
learning hd - Best transition

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I am presently learning headdown. I find that when I exit the aircraft in the HD position, things go fine; however, if I lose the position I have a real hard time transitioning back to HD. Which is the best transition from sit when learning half cartwheel / front loop / back loop?

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I am presently learning headdown. I find that when I exit the aircraft in the HD position, things go fine; however, if I lose the position I have a real hard time transitioning back to HD. Which is the best transition from sit when learning half cartwheel / front loop / back loop?

I found for me it was the relax and backloop into it....

but then worked on front looping into it...

then it was left side...

and then right side....

and then once you get it and are comfy, it just becomes getting into it however you need to....

and of course what worked for me doesnt neccesairily apply to anyone else...

Edited to say that relaxing and not trying to force the headdown is the best way, fish in the river fish in the river....



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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cartwheel... so you learn to keep eye contact with whatever is in front of you. Flipping into and out of head down is easy, yet a difficult habit to break. It's not appropriate for jumps other than solo.

Learn cartwheels to go from head to sit and vice versa, and flips will follow without practice.

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I second that. Cartwheel's prolly the safest bet.

To help: If you are good in sit, do a sit jump and do a bunch of cartwheels. Make them slower and slooowwwwer and slooooooowwwwwwweeeerrr still. When you can do an Ultra slow cartwheel from sit, then a cartweel into HD is going to be much easier.

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cartwheel... so you learn to keep eye contact with whatever is in front of you. Flipping into and out of head down is easy, yet a difficult habit to break. It's not appropriate for jumps other than solo.

Learn cartwheels to go from head to sit and vice versa, and flips will follow without practice.

Aye drew, I will agree with you, but I remember someone telling me that all axis transitions were good to know ;)

I use all axis transitions depending on the jump what about over unders ;)

for instance dive as follows.

flower exit
swap hand grips
go to cross hand grips
one flier transitions to sit.
double spock
over under
cartheeel sit flier
repeat as desired :-P

so in that jump you would use cartwheels and a forward flip transition no?



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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