
A Kansas First!

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I posted this in the bonfire but it's really more related to freeflying. We can only assume it's been done before but I haven't found pics, if it hasn't, well that'd be AWESOME and I'll owe a lot of beer. Some of the other attempts we've seen were hanging from the bases arms, or them actually holding onto the ankles of the person, so who knows, but it was FREAKING COOL!

Now we REALLY need someone to meet up with us on fly on top, but it's kinda hard to do out of a 182 and still get pictures if there were 5 of us lol
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Thats awesome, you'll have to let us know how. I always wanted to stand on top. Ive only tried it on one jump. If Im in Kansass, we'll give it a try. Maybe I can get you to come out to Jumptown this year. New hanger, landing area, and whole DZ for this year.

Did you leave as a 3way or what?


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yeah lauch it as a 3 way, tranisition to a normal hybrid, the rest is where it gets tricky. Fly on your back, arms extended out and then lock both feet in. The transition down to your head is the tricky part...

has anyone noticed it or its just me, but the guy on the left seams to have 3 legs... :S

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