
What's best freefly rig?

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Trouble causer! :D

I'm going to be diplomatic here and say that any of the newer rigs that offer decent pin protection and have solid tuck tabs and stuff that won't come open when you are back/belly/head/feet to earth will do. A lot of it comes down to personal preferance and what you can afford.

Mirage, Vector Micron, Wings, Infinity, Voodoo, Vortex II, all of these will do and i'm sure i have left a few out.

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Looking to buy new rig- which make is best adapted to freeflying?

The rig that actually fits you correctly and is of modern design and is holding the canopies it was designed to hold. Everything else is wiz-bang factor and brand loyalty. If you want to read post after post after post about brand loyalty being mistaken for quality, do a search.
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Looking to buy new rig- which make is best adapted to freeflying?

I'm thinking a better way to find out the answer is to ask, "what are the qualities of a rig that make it good for freeflying?", then do your own research.

Thing is, it really depends on the flyer. I assume everyone has their favorites and ones that they may never fly with again, let alone purchase. Definetly consider demo-ing the one you decide on first if you can.

Secure flaps, lean design, full articulation, and overall comfort are my main concerns. Some people are liking the new pull-out systems, but the hacky seems quite adequate.

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Malcolm, check attached...

The pullout handle tucks into the bridle cover and the pilot chute goes into the pouch. Considerably more lean and probably less likely to get caught on something. But a pain in the ass to pack.

The Hacky, as it sounds like you know, just goes into the pouch.

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Malcolm, check attached...

The pullout handle tucks into the bridle cover and the pilot chute goes into the pouch. Considerably more lean and probably less likely to get caught on something. But a pain in the ass to pack.

The Hacky, as it sounds like you know, just goes into the pouch.

I believe you're referring to the handle itself and not the deployment system. A pullout system is more than just the pud handle and the pud handle can be a throwout deployment system. Also, not all puds tuck into the bridle cover. The Wings does, mine does not. Mine (Javelin) stows exactly the same way the hackey does. It's just a different handle (pud vs. hackey).

A pullout system, the pud pulls the main closing pin, the PC is stowed inside the container and is pulled out after the container is open. It's more than just the handle.

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thats really silly...

Do you know of a specific reason why that is silly, or are you just throwing that out there?
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in my opinion the best rig on the market is the vector 3 micron. Bill Booth has revolutionized skydiving harness containers. besides, you can't beat the SKY HOOK system. reguardless, it's your life. entrust it with whatever company you want.
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I can see the reasoning behind it, with the old Javs and especially when someone takes a Jav and puts the wrong sized canopies (too large or too small) in the container. The main flap will be more likely to come open and flap in the wind. However, the modern Javs I've seen and jumped haven't had that problem. Other manufactures that have a tucking main tab, like Wings, Mirage, Vector 3, etc seem to be a bit more forgiving with the main flap in regards to what canopies you have in the container.

Eitherway it comes down to, is the gear the correct gear in the first place? Should you really try to put that 120 in a Jav sized for a 210 and assume that it'll be safe? That's the same with any rig, though.

So overall, yeah, its silly. Its a statement made about gear in response to inproper gear choices.

I'll admit, though, the older Javs didn't stay closed worth a crap. Neither did Vector2s and other rigs of that era.
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Malcolm, check attached...

The pullout handle tucks into the bridle cover and the pilot chute goes into the pouch. Considerably more lean and probably less likely to get caught on something. But a pain in the ass to pack.

The Hacky, as it sounds like you know, just goes into the pouch.

Very irresponsible to call those "pullouts" They are all BOC with different style handles. I've never heard those referred to as "pullout handles" only as "freefly handles".

The "pullout system" has a similar style handle but the pilot chute is packed into the container closed with a straight pin.

Even with that all clarified there's no need to have a "freefly handle" or a "pullout system" in order to safely freefly. It comes down to individual preference.

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Agreed .....the a pullout system may 'look' the same as a freefly pud....but the way they work is very very different......
Dont mix up a pullout system with a regular 'throw away' system because the handles look the same..!!

Its also worth noting that the freefly puds themselves come in varying designs which you may want to research.

Many would advocate that the pud shown in the pictures (wings) is not the ideal design as there is a length of line which attaches the 'pud' to the pilot chute........this does 'offer' the potential opportunity for the bridal to wrap around this attachment and around the PC pinching it off.
Another freefly pud design...eg Mirage....has the pud sewn directly to the PC...so this risk is eliminated....

I personally have a wings and have had zero problems with the pud attachment.....so far

Look at the designs....do the reserach ...get what is going to work best for you.

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So, my question is not so much about the merits of throwout vs. pullout (my current rig is a true pullout, that is, I directly pull the pin rather than the more traditional deployment system in which a pilot chute does so). This is a personal preference and not a debate for this thread.

No, my question is: What are the things VERY experienced freeflyers have gleaned over the years as to what make a rig particularly freefly FRIENDLY or not? Clearly, good riser protection, PIN protection. But what else? Articulation?, flexibility?, rigitity? What else?

I want to make a very informed decision, irrespective of cost or lead times.

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hat are the things VERY experienced freeflyers have gleaned over the years as to what make a rig particularly freefly FRIENDLY or not? Clearly, good riser protection, PIN protection. But what else? Articulation?, flexibility?, rigitity? What else? ***

All of the above.... I had vectors, Mirage, and now I have a Micron, never had a wings but they seemed very well build the same with Vodoos. I like the micron because of the way their harness fit, the skyhook made up my mind (the other container don't offerer that option) and reserve pin protection, ( I know a couple known manufactures with problems on the reserve pin protection and even with the pin it self, resulting in some nasty malfuctions) so any of the above mentioned freefly containers will do, about the pullout vs throuwout don't sweat it, like you said is your personal preference, smae with having skyhook or not (but that's a whole different can of worms) a little bit of history on how the container was design helped me a lot to decide, for instance somebody mentioned the G4 wich is second or third generation of mirage container, and they fix many design problems with this container, somebody also mentioned the amount of research relative workshop have before they put their containers out so it's a learning process for the manufacture industry too, your decision should be based on what your priorities are and resources available (money).

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Agreed .....the a pullout system may 'look' the same as a freefly pud....but the way they work is very very different......
Dont mix up a pullout system with a regular 'throw away' system because the handles look the same..!!

ok...my bad. wrong terminology.

zoter, you still trying to get a reach around. bad mick...baaaaaddd mick. :ph34r:

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