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I prefer a pad.
If two skydivers are in headdown very close to each other, it could happen that one bumps into the other. In this process you can get stuck at the reserve handle and when you move you pull his reserve.
If your parachute fails to open, remember you have the rest of your live to fix it.

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I pefer a low profile handle.

In my 2400+ jumps, i have never had anyone pull my reserve handle. Could it happen? Sure, but it hasn't. But, I HAVE had 2 malfunctions where, in reflection, I was really glad I had a metal handle to get my thumb wrapped around.

There is no right or wrong choice, just a personal preference. But don't just base your decision on what all the freefly rigs are now going to or because it might get pulled by accident. There are many other scenerios you need to weigh into making the choice.

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It doesnt matter what discipline you are involved in.

I have had RW jumps that have gone astray where my chest straps were grabbed, it is not something particular to freefly.

If someone is taking docks there is a risk they are going to grab something they shouldnt.

As was said before protect your handles.

It seems to me some people just like the way the 2 pads look.

Why let fuction get in the way of fashion aye.

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It doesnt matter what discipline you are involved in.

I have had RW jumps that have gone astray where my chest straps were grabbed, it is not something particular to freefly.

If someone is taking docks there is a risk they are going to grab something they shouldnt.

As was said before protect your handles.

It seems to me some people just like the way the 2 pads look.

Why let fuction get in the way of fashion aye.

Well I believe this particular post is in regard to freeflying, as the Category and Pictures will attest to. However I feel that PADs are better than D-handles regarless of the discipline, they reduce the chances of having your handles inadvertantly pulled.

And you can order PADS with pockets that allow you to get your thumb inside the pad, to make pulls a little easier. I believe Quasar makes a cut away handle PAD with a pocket.

Nearly all Reserve handles are PADs now adays. But it is a personal decision.

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In relation to the the pads... i called the manufacture of my rig (talon) and the were dead against having a pad for a reserve handle.. althouth they have a pad for the cut away. they do suply a low profile d handle tho.... as a relatively new skydiver ( not knowing what displine your wanting to follow) and someone that has bought second hand equipment its hard to know what to get....

This is why i recomend all new jumpers looking to buy new equipment, to ask all the question u can think of before purchasing....saves having a really sore neck and or mabie worse.

In saying that im still freeflying with a d handle.. just being more vigulant and protecting my handle

live to fly


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