
Launching a 3-way sit round?

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That's a tough exit!

You really gotta be agressive with your legs out the door. Front float should stab that wind hard. It seemed to help keeping the grips low.

For me the hard part about good head-up exits is how 'right' doesn't feel 'right.'

Front and rear take their outside dock and give the count with that... inside takes their wrists on the bar... talking to front float about kinda hopping up a little on exit will help the piece come out right... be strong with those legs!!! Really try to get into that relative instead of torso sliding down the hill.

I've had success with this, but I'm sure some of the more experienced could help you alot more...


Carpe diem

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Thanks for the advice - wil try this next time I get up there........
Was looking for the technique for launching the actual round - no leg links, no transitions - but that said - after blowing the exit a few times we may go for the horny G instead!!


Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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Good luck man

I don't articulate my freefly thoughts well enough on forums... but hopefully you get the point. You're basically setting up like a three-way round (HD) and AS A GROUP head-up flying it right down the hill. When we were first trying this, one would always float up and out just before we got off the hill. A strong head-up flyer on front float and driving (very lightly!) towards the center as a group helped us get there.

The gorilla's fun, but you'll be stoked when you pull it off right!

Carpe diem

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