
SomeTHING for them to TALK about.

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fresh ideas about things to do in the air

two way track. trailing tracker takes double hand dock on feet of lead tracker. transition to sit stack.

It works but it is harder than it sounds. haha.

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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Ok, this is something to be tried. If i can pull together a good four way in the morning:
Exit 4-way HD flower into the line of flight, release the grip and start a tracking formation with traditional track positions (Belly and back) with the other two fliers on thier sides tracking. If it flies good the first time start a rotation to the right that flies like a spiral....and then.....try it with smoke on the feet. Cool to see from the ground i bet.....

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Perhaps its not for this thread, but as far as innovative freeflying moves there is so much that can be done with hybrids. I think it was steve over at Elsinore during chicks rocks that was really pushing it. He made me start thinking. We lauched a 8 way hybrid out the door of and otter,with the 4 already hanging!, then worked on 2 hangers breaking off and switching positions then repeating with the other 2 hangers. Or we also tried stair stepping two 3 way hybrids. Now how about barrel roll a hybrid to head, or reverse belly to sit and visa versa in one flow? Amy's big way attempt made me start thinking about outward facing center bases for hybrids with pods. It may allow for more stucture when we start going bigger. Now I'm off on a tangent...:S


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FNG here but if your talking ideas I've had a few maybe they've been done before maybe not. The 2 that really stand out in my mind the most however are jumps that start as tracking but with planned "breakoffs" into straight down the tubes. Example a 2 way track with over/under crossings until 9000' then bust out a couple FF points and back into a track, back into vertical flight until breakoff. Its more or less a style of flying that no aircraft or winged animal can recreate.

Another idea that has me really excited is the concept of 8 way hybrid teams. How cool would turning pieces look with hangers and head to rig docks look?? Of course that requires an extreme amount of skill and the right players to pull off but there is no reason it can't be done and its just another incentive to keep pushing our flying abilities. My 2 cents...
Someday Never Comes

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Thanks for the 2 cents! Sounds like something i would try! ;)

I've had this thought of a "visual" demo jump for a while: a 10 way exits, the 'base' is two headdowners with large amounts of smoke on there feet and act as pylons, two other headowners fly around them with diferent color smoke, as two belly fliers do the same but in the oppisite direction with different color smoke as well, two wing suiters going the oppisite direction as the BF'ers, with smoke as well, and two really small high performance canopy pilots do the same as the above stated jumpers.

I'm picturing a DNA strand looking smoke trail comming down from the sky at different speeds and directions.....wow, i think i had too much fun on New Years back in 2000, its starting to catch up with my mind.:)

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What up everyone?

Hey Colon thanks for bringing this up man.

Just a couple words for anyone interested, COME TO SEBASTIAN!!!

There is plenty of freeflying for all skill levels and of all kinds going on constantly. You can get in touch with the DZ or myself for more info. luisprinetto@yahoo.com

Here are some videos, a little old but kind of what we are doing down here:

Take care and keep on flying!!!

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