
Free VRW Mentorship Program with Arizona Arsenal

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Arizona Arsenal is organizing VRW Mentorship Program May 10th and 11th. The event is free and we hope to have as many participants as possible.

Please let us know if you think you will be coming out for the event so we can get an idea of how many camera flyers we will need.

Here is some info about the program.

Vertical Relative Work team Arizona Arsenal is excited to offer a mentorship camp aimed at promoting and improving Vertical Relative Work skills in a low pressure and affordable manner. The Mentorship Camp will focus on training basic and intermediate 4-way VRW skills.

Camp participants will be put into 4-way teams. There will be a minimum of one Arizona Arsenal member in each team. In some cases there may be two Arsenal members on each team. If you already have a full team you prefer to jump with you may still join and we will ground coach you and debrief your jumps.

The first day of the camp will be a training day, the second day will be a competition day. The comp will consist of 3 rounds. The rules for the competition will be taken from the U.S. National VRW rules. We will be training the intermediate dive pool.

The cost for the participants is minimal. Participants split the cost of the camera flyer’s slot and fee per jump. All the mentoring is FREE!!! We will be doing about 5 jumps per day.

Skills Covered
During the camp we will be mentoring the following skills: getting to know the formations, dive engineering, block technique, exit technique and effective dirt diving methods. Jump routine will include dirt diving, visualizing and a video debrief.

Who Can Participate?
There is a minimal skill level flyers must have in order to participate in the mentorship camp. Participants must be able to comfortably fly head down, approach a three way, dock on it and fly the slot. This minimal skill level is necessary to participate in Vertical Relative Work.

VRW Camera
If you are interested in specifically learning VRW camera, please let us know and we will work with you specifically on VRW camera skills.

Sign Up Today!
There are limited slots available for the camps. The camp will be open to participants on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested in participating please contact Amy at amychmelecki@hotmail.com.

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Who should I let know that I'm planning on being there? Is there any registration on Friday night or time that I would need to arrive on Saturday morning?

Been kicking myself for missing the last one and can't wait for this one. See ya this weekend.


"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

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Chris has already told me that you are planning on coming.
Everyone should meet in the main hanger at 7:45 am on Saturday morning.
Here is the most recent list of how is joining us.

John B
Chris L. (me)
Joe R.
Chazi B.
Nick B. (camera)

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Really looking forward to this weekend. The last camp was a great time and we learned a lot. For anyone thinking about attending, well worth it.

Amy, it looks like Sean will be joining us too.
Arizona Drive 4-Way VFS - www.DriveVFS.com

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A big thanks to Arsenal for putting together an awesome weekend. I was really impressed with the turn out and progress made by those who attended.

It's gonna be a great year for VRW, thanks again guys!
Arizona Drive 4-Way VFS - www.DriveVFS.com

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I'll second that.

Thanks Arsenal! It will take us the rest of the summer just to implement all the stuff we learned this weekend. In just 8 jumps our team saw a huge improvement. Very exciting.

Thanks again,

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

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