
Looking for OLAV Zipser

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Ha, Ha,Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,Ha Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,my side is hurting, (old age)...Yes in deed,.....Where are you on that list? Want a shot at the title, or just anouther side linner. Step up or step out of this.

Got your PM, & Know who you are, no need to appoligize, if you post it, back it up.

Maybe our last bought in Lake Whales brought your commit out.....

Rats for Life!;)

P.S.- You can contact him yourself at johnsbox@cableone.net

seek and destroy, clear and sweep, what ever you want to call it, its all fun in games in the game of war.

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After all the talk, you better win.

If you want to race Olav so badly, send him a plane ticket from Empuria Brava.


Want a shot at the title, or just anouther side linner.

Linner: Meal between lunch and dinner according to urbandictionary. Interesting.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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How about some NEW RULES:to get the pansy's out of this: reserve & cutaway cablels cut clean NO AAD. You buy the ticket and take the ride. Pack it, jump it, win or loose, you tested yourself.
In the end we are all shadows & dust, you either accept it, or go out screaming like you came into this world. You will be a post in the mag's and forgotten in a week, just like the rest of our friends who have fall'en in the past....

I'm your DaisyB|....& got the cutters...lets play for blood, or has everyone lost the stomach for something worth dieing for.

Bring it on, i'm sick in the head that way, always have been.

Strength & Honor, live free or die, ect, we should all meet the reaper with a smile because thats the end of the trail,...if your lucky.

seek and destroy, clear and sweep, what ever you want to call it, its all fun in games in the game of war.

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This thread has run its course, so I'm going to lock it. If an actual event ever gets planned, post the details.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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