
hanging on hips in HD????

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My personal opinion watching your video, your use of hips seems fine as it seems you have figured out control of the forward and back. Good progression so far, you're heading in the right direction.

You seem to be having a heading control issue though that you are constantly fighting. It appears to me to be due to some 'lazy legs'. Your calves should be some of the most valuable control surfaces while flying on your head. Unfortunately, your calves are in the burble of your body for much of the video. A good way to gain more control surface and minimize the heading control battle is to try rotating your heels more outward. Notice that your heels are pointing towards each other for most of the video. This leads to a very bent knee, heels under you position in flying.

When you rotate your heels out a little more and take them out of the burble of your body, you give more controlability and stability to your legs. Then you will have a lot more positive input in your flying.

It can be a bit difficult at first to really think about getting those calves out there into the relative wind, kind of like an AFF student has to learn the muscle memory of applying legs out. But once you really mentally force yourself to spread'em more, you'll find the head down orientation easier to control.

Sometimes people can do this just fine when they're doing solos and have nothing to think about but their body position, but seem to drop their positive muscle inputs the moment someone else starts flying around them. It could just be a matter of getting excited about a dock and forgetting about leg input, I don't know, haven't seen you do solos!

Good luck!
108 way head down world record!!!
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I agree with Simon.......work on those lazy legs and feet.

If you fly a daffy you can actually start using your front leg as a rudder, to control your heading.

Other than your legs your form looks good from the torso and the position of your head and arms.

Keep up the good work.

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