
First solid sit

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I did my first solid , stable , controlled sit from 10k to 5k when my protrack said peep.

Did some left and right turns also to look around.

5th try at sitflying.

1st jump - transition from flat to sit went loopy :D
2 and 3 - some 4 second sits
4 - 2 sits of about 10 seconds
5 - the great success

Now I know im not a expert now , but it felt good!

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I assumed wrong I guess, my apologies. I was definitely backsliding when I held my first "solid sit", its not that big of a deal most people do backslide at first and I was definitely one of them. Nothing but time and practice will make you better!

Definetly. Cant wait for the next jumps :)

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No, really.

I wouldn't depend on anything electronic. I have only seen one mechanical altimeter fail in twenty years. If you are set on relying on an audible, use two and keep fresh batteries on hand. I'd replace them on a regular schedule.

When I started freeflying no one wore helmets :o or audibles :o:o and we never lost altitude awareness because we respected the ground. Safety backups don't make you safer. Having respect does.

Be careful and have fun!

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No, really.

I wouldn't depend on anything electronic. I have only seen one mechanical altimeter fail in twenty years. If you are set on relying on an audible, use two and keep fresh batteries on hand. I'd replace them on a regular schedule.

When I started freeflying no one wore helmets :o or audibles :o:o and we never lost altitude awareness because we respected the ground. Safety backups don't make you safer. Having respect does.

Be careful and have fun!

No I think you misunderstood.

The pro track is still new , so I still do alti checks.
No relience only on audible

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I've been caught by the beep while doing FF with people. Here people jump with 2 auditives. solid sit includes skillz like: front-back movement, side move, stand, duffy, side docks, front docks, double docks, track on the back. How's your back BTW?
Congrats on your solid sit jump and good job feeding that ego of yours.
Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!

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solid sit includes skillz like: front-back movement, side move, stand, duffy, side docks, front docks, double docks, track on the back. How's your back BTW?
Congrats on your solid sit jump and good job feeding that ego of yours.

Or, you could've said something like, "Congrats on making good progress!" The OP never claimed complete proficiency. Maybe it's time to remember the feeling of accomplishment when you make a real break-through on a new skill. C'mon, cut a little slack!
TPM Sister #102

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poor baby, looking for love on dz.com and crash by an asshole. The drama, the tragedy, will he make it? ... heck you'll be fine. Just listen to what that guy who has 5000 jumps said (I've forget his name but I will re-edit this post to place his name here: Dutton). AA is a problem in FF no matter what you write here.

Edit as I've promised.

Edited once more just to place this redundant line.

Edit to add: track on back is an important thingy. Its not cool but it's important for separation.
Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!

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poor baby? looking for love?


I thought this was dz.com not ah.com

So what are we supposed to post about when im sitting at work thinking about skydiving? Definetly not skydiving... im not good enough to do that yet...

mods please delete this thread.


see you at JSC Brendon

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Don't give up. I'm happy for you! Safety is essential and I don't think anybody here has said any differently. I have no idea what your other skills are or whether the timing is appropriate for you to be working on your sit, but I can at least be happy for you and assume that you are being responsible in your own progression and taking safety precautions that will protect others as well. I remember my first good sit-fly in the tunnel. I counted it in seconds! :D I distinctly remember thinking, "don't move, don't move, don't move!" for fear of bailing out of it on accident. Having some control over your heading is great!

TPM Sister #102

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OK well im never posting anything like this on dz.com again :|


i just did a sit... im happy... gfy

I am happy for you, too. There are a lot of people here who acts like a doos. Ignore them.

"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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Way to kill it;) Even at a couple of hundred jumps, sometimes there is nothing better to do when you are alone at the dz, is to do raw solo awareness training and get as much from it as you can. As you build your circle of awareness in freefly, you'll just start to see more an more things you can do to control yourself. Enjoy the journey.

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