
free fly containers

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Hey just wondering if anyone out there has been freeflying with a vector 2... i jsut bought one and it has all tuck tabs and magnetic riser covers and im going to try free flying with it and see if the reserve flap pops open but the tabs are pretty tight. So anyway just wondering if anyone has had problems with them thanks!!

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You have a vector2 with tucktabs & magnetic riser covers? Not calling BS but I've never seen one....nor heard of one being modified (with magnet riser covers anyway). My blanket statement would be freeflying in a vector2 is a bad call.

The reserve flap opening wouldn't be my biggest concern. A premature deployment in a sit (due to a sloppy susan BOC & lack of bridle protection) can ruin your whole day...especially if it deploys under your arm.
my pics & stuff!

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Its a vector II and a master rigger modded it with the Vector 3 magnetic riser covers and tuck tabs, also it was modded with a bridle cover by the BOC to cover he bridle... cause your right i had never seen one either but it was checked by my rigger and he said it was legit. So my big question is what i would have to worry about if the bridle is covered and so are the risers?

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oh also can a master rigger put tuck tabs for the bottom of reserve flap? is that legal lol

Like was said above... the biggest concern is the bridle and BOC. Find a rigger and experienced freeflyer at your DZ to check out the rig. we cannot see what it looks like so none of us can really answer the question for you. Also..... work on your belly for 100-150 jumps then start the freeflying. JMHO
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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The only answers your gonna get on the internet are flames from wanna be badasses.
Get off the computer, go to the dz, ask a well qualified rigger and an experienced freeflyer to look at your rig.
Absolutely no one can give you a legitimate answer with out physically looking over your rig.

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