
VFS team performance/analysis software or techniques

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Blue skies everyone :)
We started training our first (duh) tunnel vfs team. It's a vfs 2way for now: https://tunnelflight.com/skills/static-pro/2-way-vfs-open-dive-pool

We want to be able to log and analyze our performance: which formations and blocks we fly, transitions between them, time of transition. As software engineers we quickly jumped to the idea of writing some software, but then decided to go and try to find something that has already been done out there.
Do you have any suggestions, maybe you have your own (possibly non-automated) system or you saw or heard about something like this?

Arguably, one of the most important parts would be a quick and pain-free system to supply data from the last training to this system, i.e. list of formations and the respective transition times.

Important information we hope to gather from this system is the areas of improvement that will give the most feedback in terms of performance.

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Possibly have a chat with intime scoring as you can run through the video and score your own times very much in the same way as rounds are judged. I don't know if their system does time markers but it'd be good to understand the time between each point.

The big skill though is how each block or random is engineered and unfortnately you're going to need to get some coaching. There's some really nifty tricks to rack up those scores more quicky. Have a look at the Axis flight school.

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The big skill though is how each block or random is engineered and unfortnately you're going to need to get some coaching. There's some really nifty tricks to rack up those scores more quicky. Have a look at the Axis flight school.

Surely we're training with a couple of coaches experienced in vfs. This doesn't negate a need for performance analysis to help us and our coaches allocate our training time most efficiently. Flying time is quite a limited resource for amateur flyers, training efficiency must be very important.

Integrating a judging/scoring system is an interesting option, we were considering this. Probably a huge overkill and unfeasible for first versions though.

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Have you participated in any competitions yet ? There are no losers there. Not if you are participating.

That didn't sound patronizing at all, thank you :)

We did participate in a couple competitions, not in this discipline yet.

We have our goals set for upcoming competitions though.

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SDC Rhythm XP has a performance tracker on their website for 4/8 way that could probably be modified to your needs as it sounds like you have the skillset on the team. It's an Excel sheet with a ton of macros and formulas, but it works well enough.

You can use it to measure each formation, hill time, key-to-key, and track a whole season. With enough repetitions and data, you can give the tool a dive and it will give you the score it thinks you should get based on hill and the different formations. So you can basically compete against yourself during practice.


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SDC Rhythm XP has a performance tracker on their website for 4/8 way that could probably be modified to your needs as it sounds like you have the skillset on the team. It's an Excel sheet with a ton of macros and formulas, but it works well enough.

Thanks! I heard about SDC Rhythm XP and the fact that they implemented a tracker on Skydive Radio, somehow forgot to look for it on their website. Will look in to it, thanks!

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