
Newbie Question

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I'm new to the sport and am trying to get as much information as possible into my head before I go off and do my AFF course. I've read up on canopy control and wing loading etc etc but there are some terms I don't know. I know all this will be explained to me by my instructor when I do the course but I believe in preparation :)
I have a couple of questions that will be easily answered by you guys but are seemingly impossible to find answers to on the net :)
1) What is a Riser
2) What is a Slider
3) What is a BOC
4) What is a D-Bag (I'm guessing it's the bag that goes over the canopy in the container)

Also any links for an information hungry newbie would be appreciated.



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The seven Ps:
Proper planning + preparation prevent piss poor performance!

A riser connects to the lines on one end (upper) and the release ring of the three-ring release.
The slider is the piece of webbing which comes down from the canopy to the risers, keeping the lines apart and preventing the air coming from below from filling the canopy too fast, resulting in a hard opening.
BOC=B ottom O f C ontainer, pouch where the pilot chute is stowed. Other than ROL, short for Right on Leg.
D-Bag= Deployment bag, you guessed right.
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The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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Thanks Chrisky!

Me and a m8 was supposed to be going to Spain to do the AFF in November, but he has run into money problems, so we put it off till January. Which isn't to bad because in the mean time I'm saving EVERY last penny I have and by Jan I should have enough to buy most of my own gear :)
With or without him I'm going in Jan and thats it :)

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