
2-way sequential video wanted

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Okay, I guess not. Then does anybody know where I can purchase some nice videos with lots of points?

CF2 is a rather new event. I hope there will be a US Nationals 2005 and/or World-Cup 2005 DVD with a lot of CF2 footage.

BTW. seems that you have a goal ;-) 10 points is the german record in CF2 and only two US teams out of 10 reached 10 points or more at the nationals.


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Video would be nice but I am trying to track down the rules they were using? Having trouble trying to find a link. I know someone will go, "What a dumbass, its right here" and I accept that, please just fire off the link and I will be happy in my dumbass position.... :P

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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This is a link to the rules that the british used for the 2005 nationals which includes 2-way. We always run our nationals to the current fai rules.

This may be of help or not but it is all i know of at the moment.



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I have the CFS2way rounds from the World Cup for the Plaid Jackets (Canada) in PAL format. (Incidentally, they scored a 12 in the final round - without any formal training jumps). I could send it to you on VHS tape... sorry, can't do PAL DVD. Let me know.


PS: Write me privately... I don't check this site very often at all. I'm at: aphid@skydyv.com

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