
Diamond Landing

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Here's a nice video of a 4-Way Diamond landind on the beach. This was at a swoop meet in Panama City, Fla. The event was a blast. It was a combination Skydive Boogie and Biker Convention. Lots of fun, and no matter what trouble there was, the bikers got blamed. :)

We landed ths diamond on the beach twice. Both times went great and the crowd loved it. The landings were pretty hard, but the beach sand was very soft, so it was not a problem.;)

Kevin K.
Cape Canaveral FL
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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Here are some still shots from that same boogie at PCB. All of these were taken from a hotel room balcony

the diamond coming in for landing:

Kirk & Lynn flying a bi-plane.

Mike Fedak & myself

both bi-planes coming in for landing:


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