faulknerwn 38 #1 November 16, 2007 (Also posted on cfworldrecord.com) 11/15/07 We have a good crowd of people already here. Lots of foreign languages continually heard around the hanger, and old friends are gathering. A couple groups were doing jumps today, culminating in a couple of successful 20+ way skydives. The only cutaway was our beloved camerawoman who had a malfunction. Gear is being swapped and changed and figured out, and registration and (thank goodness I want to eat!) weigh-ins begin tomorrow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #2 November 16, 2007 Sounds great! I thought they weren't starting until Saturday. Hey, do me a favor, check with Betty Kabeller or Chris Gay to see if my package got there tomorrow. UPS is supposed to deliver it then. Just a spare 126 for some poor dawg who might need it. "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #3 November 17, 2007 11/16/07 The Long and the Short of it - Wendy and Sarge's daily updates: Wendell from Australia often says that if you do CRW, expect to walk. First off, that saying is true. If it's not, then his compatriot Tom Begic would have to explain why he landed well off the dropzone after having his reserve deploy while in a wrap suspended off the bottom of a 4-way diamond. So would Chris Gay, among others, who helped him look for his canopy. That task was made somewhat easier by Pam Pangburn, while out in the orange groves looking for her own canopy from a cutaway from the day before, noticed a reserve and a couple of cutaways mains floating down towards the Florida lakes. Unfortunately for Pam, there is still no sign of her canpoy. Do alligators eat parachutes? Arguably, that wasn't even the highlight of the day, as there were other people competing for that honor. On Mark Gregory's 3rd load of the day, a wrapoccurred involving Gary Cullen of New Zealand, Hans of the Netherlands, and another to be named later, conspicuous by his limp, resulting in a triple cutaway, 3 lost shoes, and some minor facial scarring. The rest of the contingent was involved in the more routine aspects of world record preparation - jumping, de-briefing, weigh-ins, canopy measurements - including the obligatory swapping and borrowing of gear, and filling in registration forms. Master and Visa cards took as much punishment as parachute gear. In th midst of all this, there was actual preparation for the world record. Those who had arrived were broken down into three groups based on wing-loading and canopy size each of which went about the task of building and rebuilding 16 and 25 diamonds. The groups managed to complete their dives with varying degrees of success, depending upon how many of the new arrivals had managed to shake off their jetlag. All in all, the mood of the day was upbeat and it was good to see twogroups of big way CRW in the skies over Lake Wales at the same time. Mike Lewis's group ended the day with a very nice 25-way diamond; Chris's group ended with a 2-point 16-way, Mark's group went searching for their missing gear. The rest of the gang arrive tomorrow and we expect to see some world class skydiving in the days to come. Even so, most would agree that the last four days have seen some very good CRW by people who obviously have their mind set on building a world record and, as the last of the attendees arrive in Lake Wales, there is is a distinct air of anticipation around the drop zone. Tomorrow is the final day of practice and a chance to renew old acquaintances as the entire team assembles before the business end of proceedings gets underway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #4 November 18, 2007 11/17/07 Wendy and Sarge's Daily Update What a difference 24 hours, a few quiet drinks, a good sleep and 40 new arrivals make. Today's results were inversely proportionate to yesterday's. There was only one uneventual cutaway involving Eugene Brennan who landed safely with all limbs, and (remaining mental health) intact. Pam is buying the Germans an excellent case of beer for their aid in the successful recovery of her lost canopy. Kirk's group on load one, has a great 2 point 16-way by seven grand; Mike's Load 1 group built a 2-pt 21-way group with a stinger, and Mark's group built a 2 pt 16-way. Shortly after that, Raul forgot that he shouldn't hook-turn 16-ways as it scares the participants, and anyone else who watches the video. The main developments of the day, however, were two jumps by the prospective 9-way base, which went up to test radio communications, microlined canopies and split sliders, The best sight of the day would have been Chris Gay exiting the Otter looking like a fighter pilot with his radio system helmet and oxygen mask. The base built smoothly and added row 4 wings and lockups without incident, setting a promising tone for great events to come. The late afternoon followed a similar theme to yesterday with late arrivals renewing old acquaintances, swapping gear, doing emergency rigging, borrowing money and arranging last minute drinks before the serious work starts tomorrow. At 6:30 PM the representatives of 16 countries gathered in the hanger to hear a briefing on the proposed week's events by the organizing committee, and the obligatory arching seminar by Sarge, and safety information for all. This international team is the most experienced and qualified CRW grouping ever gathered which has every aim of building the first hundred way canopy formation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #5 November 19, 2007 11/18/07 Wendy and Sarge's Daily Update (without Sarge) Rumor has it that Sarge is not here tonight because he went to visit a friendly sheep he met earlier today while landing off - but that rumor is completely uncomfirmed so don't believe it unless you actually know Sarge. Today was a good day. Most of the groups had continual success on multiple point skydives. First thing this morning we had two 36-ways and four 16-ways. That is a lot of CRWdogs. The base group went up and successfully built both a 36-way, and then a 49-way diamond. The 9-way base were testing out the new oxygen systems, and with a reasonable number of foreigners up there, some of the Americans were starting to worry that we were being invaded! The 9-way base looked fighter-pilot-ish, with their bail-out oxygen bottles. The 49 way built well at the end of the day, having been greeted with cheers from all on the ground. The small groups were all having success as well, building multiple point skydives in preparation for the upcoming record. Now that everyone has passed their weigh-in, everyone is freely eating and drinking again. The 5:30 AM meet-up time is being anticipated with dread tomorrow however. We have all moved to the Armory from the main hanger, leaving us with much more space to pack and debrief which is a welcome change. We had one malfunction at the end of the day, and one American was injured after an ugly wrap on an early jump this morning. He is recovering at a nearby hospital and is in everyone's thoughts. Other than some wind-dummy loads early in the day - "So far out they weren't even seen," the spots were right on and everyone landed at the airport. We still have some work to do with the pilots of the aircraft getting into the right place at the right time, but things are looking excellent for completion of the world record, and we are far ahead of where we were at this point in 2005. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GordonH 0 #6 November 20, 2007 Wendy - just a quick note to say thanks for writing the daily updates on the record website and here. It's great to follow the progress - keep em coming! Good luck to all, especially fellow Brits! CRW skies! Blue skies! Gordon Beware of advice from those with more posts than jumps ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #7 November 21, 2007 11/19/07 Wendy and Sarge's Daily Update Things are definitely looking up. Following yesterday's successful completion of a 49 diamond, the organizing committee decided to launch three aircraft (a twin otter carrying the base and their under-canopy oxygen systems and two Casa chase planes) carrying jumpers for an attempt on a 64 diamond. A healthy and fast flying 64 diamond is the springboard to our goal of building the first 100 way canopy formation at this meet. The first attempt built to 52 before pilot Chris Gay gave the starburst call as the formation encountered turbulence somewhere above 7,000 feet. Those who have travelled in light aircraft and experienced turbulence would have some appreciation of the effect of a flying canopy formation. The second attempt saw the base exit at 18,000 feet and begin to build smoothly before the first chase CASA passed one hundred feet above the base and spill a further 27 jumpers over the tailgate. The formation built to 36 as the third plane passed overhead. The visuals from the formation as the last waves of jumpers streamed over the tailgate, opened, turned and swooped towards the formation remind us all why we love this discipline of the sport. This time we beat the turbulence and got the starburst call sufficiently above the hard deck of 6,000 feet to give us the belief that we can build the world record in time. The video debrief showed that there is a degeree of pulsation in the formation and that there had been a number of radical docks during the dive which cost us time. However, that only added to the belief that we could build the record in time once people had mastered their slots and as people became used to flying together. The 64 way group sat out the rest of the day while the organisers worked on the reasons for the amount of movement in the formation. Six canopies in the centreline of the formation were sent to the riggers to have eight or so inches taken off the lines to give them more drive and penetration (a rigging modification that FAA Master Rigger and notorious CRW dog Mark Kruse calls the "spaghetti mod") and the wing leaders and their lock ups met in groups to debrief. Meanwhile, the rest of the team continued to jump regularly and the day saw smaller groups attempting 9, 16 and 36 diamonds to prepare the other 36 jumpers who who are to make the first assault on the 100 way diamond. At day's end, Chris Gay announced that the first attempt is to be made tomorrow. We are to meet at 5:30 am when the names of those on that attempt will be read out. Sometime in the early morning after we have dirt dived the formation, 100 CRW dogs from 16 countries will exit five aircraft from heights between 12,000 and 20,000 feet into the air over Lake Wales for skydiving's first shot at CRW's holy grail...the hundred canopy diamond. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #8 November 21, 2007 11/20/07 Wendy and Sarge's Daily Update CRWdogs from all around the world met up at 5:30 this morning with coffee in hand, ready to dirt-dive the largest canopy formation ever attempted. The group was going to use 5 airplanes - 2 Casas and 3 Otters - in the attempt. Spread out over the grass landing area watching the sunrise and seeing the enormious number of people on it was incredible to see. Around 8 AM we boarded the planes and took off for the first ever attempt at a formation this large. There were some issues with the aircraft formation and there were multiple go-arounds so it was a long time to jump run. The formation was building well and got into the 70's. The left trail Otter was extremely high on this pass, which contributed to issues with jumpers getting down to the formation. Others had left the plane too early and found themselves behind the formation. It was a good first attempt however and hopes were high as the day continued. The second jump was the exact same formation. There were again some problems with the aircraft, and the lower 2 trail planes were definitely feeling some hypoxia when jump run finally commenced. This dive built well into the row 9 echelon, giving us great hopes for the last dive. This one was broken somewhat higher as we approached a cloud layer and wanted to avoid the turbulence associated with it. The last dive was much faster to altitude, to the great thankfulness of the jumpers. The pilots are still working out some kinks with the last 2 airplanes. Both airplanes passed below the altitude of the formation. Everyone in the right trail plane exited anyway, seeing as how that the formation was quite sinky, it was easy to get up. The left Otter did a very rapid 360 and put us out quickly thereafter. This dive built to 83 - the 81 was complete with right row 10 wing and lockup was on. Everyone is very excited about tomorrow's jump and are fully expecting at least one hundred way formation to be built tomorrow. We are so close the anticipation is tangible in the air. On a sad note, the community here was extremely saddened to hear that Joe Lambright passed away this morning from the injuries he sustained in a wrap on Saturday. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, and we will fondly remember an incredible man. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoctorNic 0 #9 November 21, 2007 This, to thank Wendy & Sarge for their amazing reports. I can smell the sky and Chris Gay's socks! Though strictly a dinosaur when it comes to what you are all doing, my heart is there. Joe left while doing what he loved. As long as you remember him, he is there. Smooth skies, and smiling starbursts! Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brokky 4 #10 November 21, 2007 quick update...1st 100 way of the day landed 1 hour ago, built to a 96 way...20 minute call now.wuk?? http://www.brunobrokken.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StefB 0 #11 November 21, 2007 Thank you very much for the reports. I'm here twice a day (at least!). Stefan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpoxon 0 #12 November 21, 2007 Just had an SMS...they did it?! So quickly? Awesome!Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #13 November 21, 2007 It was built. Judges are busy verifying grips as we speak. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #14 November 21, 2007 Quote It was built. Judges are busy verifying grips as we speak. Holy Shit! On the 2nd day no less! So what the hell is everybody gonna do now? Up it a few more bodies or just fun-jump the rest of the week? Great job everybody!! "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GordonH 0 #15 November 21, 2007 Woohoo! I had an SMS to say it's been confirmed. What an amazing achievement for all involved, especially the organising team...well done to all. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!! Blue skies! Gordon Beware of advice from those with more posts than jumps ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noname 0 #16 November 21, 2007 Congrats to all and well done!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selbbub78 0 #17 November 21, 2007 CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! Thanks for the calls to let me know!!! Joe is very proud, I'm sure!!! CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peckerhead 0 #18 November 21, 2007 Does anyone have a photo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #19 November 21, 2007 Coming soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n2skdvn 0 #20 November 21, 2007 Congrats to everyone!if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN my site Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bolas 5 #21 November 21, 2007 It's here: http://www.cfworldrecord.com/2007/Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kharkness 0 #22 November 22, 2007 Way to go everyone, so proud of you all. The Sky's not the limit, the ground is. Fear Nothing, Regret Less. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squirrel 0 #23 November 22, 2007 any video yet? ________________________________ Where is Darwin when you need him? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brokky 4 #24 November 22, 2007 Here´s another picture.wuk?? http://www.brunobrokken.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
el_chester 4 #25 November 22, 2007 Congratulations everyone!!!! Kevin: I still want you to take me up on my first CReW jump one of these days/years. -- Be careful giving advice. Wise men don't need it, and fools won't heed it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites