
'08 CF World Meet

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That's wonderful! Such a beautiful DZ staffed and frequented by some of the most friendly folks I've come across in this sport. If only Linda and I could be there for it ...


PS - Hi Saskia! Say hello for me to Henny, Kees, John, Erik ("Ear"), and the CF couple whose names I've unfortunately forgotten!

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Hey Bob :)
Will do, haven't seen Erik "Ear" in a while though, maybe he's hibernating or something ;)

You mean Tom and Caren (CaTo) I think ;)

yep, that's us :-) i remember our jumps together :-)
we will try to compete at the worldmeet this september

caren and tom, aka CaTo

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this is the teuge airport/ dz (up is north)
check also the rest of the site there is a bar and bunkhouse be fast and book a bed :)
the runway is extended last year by 600 meters towards the east making it 1199 meters long

ill see you all in september

toet toet food driver

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Its also the country from 7 100 Way Worldrecord-members.
Remko , Marc ,Gerben , Kees , Henny , Slot Brothers = Eward & Herman .


[thread creep disclaimer]

Yes, indeed it is. My sincere congratulations to all! I soooo wanted to be on that load :(, but at least I got to see it up close and personal.


PS - I made the supreme mistake of confusing a Dutch woman as being of German nationality ... in Arnhem of all places! :o Fortunately, she didn't take offense to my mistake; she just kindly but firmly pointed it out to me. Sometimes one learns lifes lessons the hard way ...

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Accommodations? Would you recommend staying in Apeldoorn? Ideally, I'm likely looking for a mid-range hotel with restaurant and pub facility.

Any suggestions? (Unfortunately I don't speak/read Dutch and most of the local tourism information websites aren't translated)

Dank u zeer


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Accommodations? Would you recommend staying in Apeldoorn? Ideally, I'm likely looking for a mid-range hotel with restaurant and pub facility.

Any suggestions? (Unfortunately I don't speak/read Dutch and most of the local tourism information websites aren't translated)

Dank u zeer


(we can take this private if you'd prefer)

John also needs access to good Scotch, of course.

Stay warm John..... it's freezing here in Edmonton!

Major Dad
CSPA D-579

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[thread creep]


water of course (at all levels :-)

Ah, yes. Bottled water in Europe. Spa reg (with gas, carbonated); Spa blue (without gas, non-carbonated). I like the simplicity, unlike the 5000+ different kinds of bottled water we have to choose from here. Alchohol? There I there I don't mind having a few more choices.

Hi Caren! Say hello to Tom for me.

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PS - I think when I learn another language, it will be Dutch. I feel ignorant not knowing the local language where I visit. Finnish? Even some of the Finns I've spoke with said English was easier. :S
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