
CF/CRW specific jumpsuit

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I’m in the process of specifying a CF/CRW/CReW specific jumpsuit for my suffering wife to design and make ;) I’ve thought of some features but I would welcome any ideas that you have?

Features so far include,
1. Built in gaiters on the legs. I’ve noted that some people put gaffer tape from ankles to mid shin. I’m guessing that this makes it easy for Judges to spot “leg takes” and note points scored.
2. A bit of padding on the knees. Ok I’m old & fat but would be a bit of light relief while packing.
3. Pilot type transparent map pocket for spotting.
4. Kevlar reinforcement patches, on the inside, from ankles to knees to prevent lines from burning though the suit.
5. A two-piece suit instead of one-piece, for convenience. Just like two-piece motorbike leathers with a full wrap around zip.
6. A couple of vertical chest pockets either side of the main zip. Zip closes downwards.
7. A mobile phone pocket, zipper down closes, on the arm for those off landing days.
8. Zipped vents under the arms & from knee to crouch for ventilation in the summer.
9. Single FS type grips on the arms & legs to make it easier for people grabbing during setup for Downplanes & BiPlanes.

Any more ideas?


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After the 2005 CF record where several jumpers had severe CRW tattoos, I had Packin' Cathy sew leather "CRW chaps" on my suit. Basically it's just leather from below the knee down (color coordinated of course!).
I figured that I've never seen a cow with line burns . . .
What could possibly go wrong?

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I'm not so sure about the FS type grips - would be worried about snagging ... depending on how big they are. I would rather consider dive-loop type handles?

Oh, and I would add as many hook-knife pockets with snag cover flaps as you can possibly fit on the suit ;-)

He who hesitates shall inherit the earth.

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I'm not so sure about the FS type grips - would be worried about snagging ... depending on how big they are. I would rather consider dive-loop type handles?

Oh, and I would add as many hook-knife pockets with snag cover flaps as you can possibly fit on the suit ;-)


Hi, thanks for that. I'm going to think about it but I would be concerned that someone might get a foot / hand / brake toggle caught in it. I therefore vote that FS grips would be safer. I haven't actually done much CF, only 15 jumps, but they,ve all been done in a very basic FS suit and never had any probs with line snag.

How do the knife covers work? Are they just velcro flaps with a tab on?


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Not so concerned about snagging lines, but rather material - sliding up the lines after taking a high dock, getting your arm stuck inside a cell because the grip caught the nose, that kinda thing. Your point about getting a foot / hand caught in a loop is very valid! Perhaps an FS type grip without any padding inside could work - this should still provide plenty grip for someone setting up for a downplane while not offering any obstructive qualities.

The knife covers don't have any velcro - it's basically a medium flex plastic covered with Kevlar that's sewn onto the top of a standard Jack knife sheath. It tucks into the sheath preventing snags both up and down. I'll send a pic when I get a chance.
He who hesitates shall inherit the earth.

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Not so concerned about snagging lines, but rather material - sliding up the lines after taking a high dock, getting your arm stuck inside a cell because the grip caught the nose, that kinda thing.

It tucks into the sheath preventing snags both up and down. I'll send a pic when I get a chance.

1. Maybe some shaped grips may be in order, i.e. Angled or curved. That way material would just bounce off?

2. YES PLEASE. If you could send me some photos I would be very greatfull. My email is andyturner@dropzone.com

Kind regards

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Quote: Single FS type grips on the arms & legs to make it easier for people grabbing during setup for Downplanes & BiPlanes.

Basic rule: No grips on the jumpsuit.

When you're doing CRW, you want to keep everything as smooth as possible. Lines and nylon like to grip anything they can when you're wrapped!
As for doing advanced CRW stuff like downplanes, you can grip the harness (i.e. chest strap).

Also, notice I said ADVANCED CRW. Don't let anyone talk you into downplanes etc. until you have hundreds of CRW jumps under your belt. It doesn't matter how experienced the other jumper is - if YOU fuck up you both could die. I've lost good friends who were expert/experienced CRWDawgs due to confusion during a downplane.

You may notice that the majority of CRWDawgs are older than the average jumper.

There's more than one a reason for this.

Don't try to prove anything to anyone. Just follow your instincts, be careful and humble and the CRW community will happily "adopt" you and show you the way.
What could possibly go wrong?

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