Damn, broke my hand on jump 5

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Well I feel pretty dissapointed. I just started jumping (have felt completely hooked on this crazy sport since my tandem jump a couple of months ago..age 47), and now I broke my hand during the landing on jump 5.
I did my final static line PRCP, which went great until I landed. I was going faster than normal (maybe flared a bit late?). I am not sure, I am pretty sure I flared when the radio said flare/flare/flare, but didn't slow down as much as the previous times. I did notice that the canopy wanted to turn slightly left during the ride down but it felt fully controllable.
I tried to do a PLF, but I think I had my hands fully down at the side of my hips instead of in front (toggles in hand). So I guess my left hand was between my left thigh and the ground as I slid a bit on my left side (my knuckles were scraped not my palms). My wrist is fine, but I broke two bones on the back of the hand between my knuckles and wrist.
It sucks, this was the first jump that I didn't feel really scared and while I was under canopy I felt confident that I would get to do my first jump off the static line that day...oh well, I guess I am done...at least until spring.
I weighed myself at 213lbs, with all my gear I weighed 248 and I jumped with a Manta 260 student canopy. The wind was about 7mph (I didn't feel it was any stronger than my other jumps).
Well if you have read this entire ramble of a post, I would appreciate any advice to help me overcome this. I really want to jump again, but I am abit concerned about this happening again. Any advice on learning more about landings without jumping so that I can jump again with some confidence would be appreciated.
This sport is really amazing and I don't want this to be the end of it.
My instructor didn't really have any advice..he said he did not see the landing, and the radio guy didn't have anything to say about it.

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Well you just learned the hard way why a good FJC instructor will teach to flair with your hands into your lap and not to the sides of your body, like you did.... it's a mistake you'll only make once, one would hope.

Now the good news.... depending on your cast and how they set your hand in cast... or not... you could most likely still jump. I made almost 200 with a thumb spiked cast on my left hand, there was no issue in being able to pull my reserve or fly a canopy with my cast on, as long as your not in pain and operate the handles.

Now the bad news... most dz's will not let you jump hurt without a license.

If you were my student, we would talk about it and even try the hanging harness test your ability to preform ep's and canopy control and as long as you could do it without issue, I would let you jump, not everyone will share my view on this topic.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Sounds like you broke the metatarsal bones. I broke one of mine last Spring, but not skydiving. It hurts like a motherfucker if you move the finger attached to it or accidentally bump or jar it in the first two weeks. Wait at least a month before you jump again, 6 weeks even better. Talk to your instructors on landing techniques. Better than trying to visualize what people tell you on here. ;)

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in reply to "Well if you have read this entire ramble of a post, I would appreciate any advice to help me overcome this. I really want to jump again, but I am abit concerned about this happening again. Any advice on learning more about landings without jumping so that I can jump again with some confidence would be appreciated. "

Practising slow motion PLF's while you are still nursing your hand can help you refine your falling over techniques. A padded floor helps .

When steering/flaring the canopy, try drawing the toggles down towards your centre of mass(stomach) not parallel to each other. Practice it until it is natural for you . Then your arms wont tend to flail out in a crash.

An important aspect of a moving PLF is to remember to swing into it a bit, not just crash straight in.
The swing heaps spread the load as a PLF is designed to do. You can practice the swing bit without actually falling over.

I've found imagining you are holding a fragile little bird in your hands while you practice a PLF can help feel what is happening during the fall and so help you control it.

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Yep, I broke three matacarpals(sp) ring, middle , index left hand first AFF jump. Late flare, hand down to side, kind of landed like a tandem on my butt. Left hand caught some rough ground and bent hand back on altimeter.

Cast for about six weeks and I jumped at eight weeks. Hand and wrist were weak and not really back to normal for about 4 more weeks.

Heal soon.

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Well you just learned the hard way why a good FJC instructor will teach to flair with your hands into your lap and not to the sides of your body, like you did.... it's a mistake you'll only make once, one would hope.

I did my first tandem last weekend and had this nearly happen to me...pulled down exactly as you described and was lucky enough to just have a sprained wrist. Were I coming in hot myself, surely would have broken it.

I am doing another tandem to ensure I never do this again...lessons learned the hard way, but one that won't happen again, that's for sure. :)

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