
Dealing with "Dealers"?

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Hello everyone! I have a question for you...I just recieved my very first, brand new (beer) canopy after 20 (plus) years in the sport last Tuesday. I had it custom made, in my own color scheme. So far, so good, right? Well, no...you see, I had the canopy and it's corresponding cell colors numbered left to right 1 through 9. The dealer that ordered it, made the center cell (my cell #5) the #1 cell and then proceeded to number the rest from the center out.

My canopy was supposed to be symmetrical...what I have looks like some 3rd grade child colored it in on a napkin. No, the dealer never phoned my one time in the 10 weeks I waited. The factory could not answer questions without a PO#, etc., et ad nauseam.

What would you do? What CAN I do?

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First you can contact your dealer and see if they will be willing to help solve the situation to your satisfaction.

Second, in the future, always try to fill out your order on the manufacturer's order form, and submit that to your dealer.

Third use a dealer that has been in business for a good long time as they have probably encountered that problem before, and won't be caught by it (I hope).

I would guess that you ordered a PD product. PD numbers from the center outward. Center cell is #1, cell to the right of that (looking up if you were suspended under canopy)is #2, to the left is #3, and so on alternating till the right end cell is #8 and the left is #9.

Good luck.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Have you called your dealer to talk to him/her?

That'd be your best course of action, talk to the dealer, see what he/she says, then possibly talk to the dealer after that if its not resolved.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Thanks J.P. and Dave...yes, I have tried talking with the dealer. At first he blamed the whole SNAFU on PD. Now he says it's my fault because I numbered the cells left to right "And everyone knows that number 1 is the center"...

He's a very nice guy, but is he ever stubborn!

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"And everyone knows that number 1 is the center"...
He's a very nice guy, but is he ever stubborn!

AND he is very wrong. Look, you didn't know. I didn't untill I started working in the industry a few years back. And other manufactures number differently.

I hope he can help you, If he tries hard enough I think he can find a solution. If not I'm sure you know there are people out there that will jump at the chance to be of assistance.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Thanks so much J.P. I mean that. You obviously have some notion of just how frustrating this is. I've been flying used stuff around (maybe even some of your old canopies) dreaming of the day I could have "my own." I did everything the dealer asked, paid in advance even. All I get from him is the "two step" and I can't dance.

Like I said, he blamed it on PD first so I contacted them...Rusty did backflips for me trying to figure it all out. I'm VERY impressed with his efforts...but, ultimately it was discovered that PD produced EXACTLY what the dealer had ordered...back to the dealer again. This time it's my fault, not the manufacturer...and certainly not the dealer!!!

I'd get a rope and hang myself, but the rope would probably break, give me a nasty burn, and I'd sprain my ankle.

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It's truly unfortunate that stuff like this happens. Not knowing anything about the dealer you bought it through, I won't run the guy down, but this is just another reason to make sure you're buying your stuff through a shop with a history of customer service.

I've yelled and screamed on this before, but saving a hundred bucks or so just isn't worth this kind of trouble!! Deal with a professional shop, yes you will pay a bit more to support their overhead, but they'll take care of you!

Like I said, you might have been dealing with a shop, but I'm betting they wouldn't fall under the title of PROFESSIONAL if they won't help you out in this situation.

THE CUSTOMER IS YOUR BEST FRIEND, TREAT HIM THAT WAY!!!...or he'll go elsewhere...which is what I'm guessing you'll do in the future!

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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Thanks...very nice BTW. But I did use "a" canopy designer! And it was numbered left to right!!! The dealer then transfered all the info onto his order form. Center out.

However, a picture (regardless of the numbering scheme) is worth a thousand words particularly in your case.

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Well, that may be true for PD, my manufacturer had them labelled (front view) left to right.

But i got the orderform from the manufacturers website and gave it to my dealer.:P
My lesson i learned from a different, very stupid thing: Always try doing things idiotproof and have others check your own input, so you are not the source...;)
Hope this doesn't get across mean, i don't intend to. We all make mistakes like this.:S
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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Thanks for the kind words Haz...

According to the Consumer Protection Advocates I am legally entitled to a full, and complete refund (including shipping) should I choose to pursue this. I really don't want to get nasty, nor do I wish to be treated like an idiot. All I want is the CORRECT canopy...if I must travel the legal maze to get it, then that is where I'll go.

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It WAS a PD order form, from a MAJOR equipment retailer, and it WAS numbered left to right.

Did you download the form from the dealer's site, or did they mail you the form? If yes to either mode of delivery then I'd say you have a valid argument, and the dealer has a piece of colorful rental gear.

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Did you download the form from the dealer's site, or did they mail you the form? If yes to either mode of delivery then I'd say you have a valid argument, and the dealer has a piece of colorful rental gear.

Downloaded the form after coloring the canopy, then faxed completed form, where it was then formatted into the "center cell #1" arrangment that ruined it. There WAS a pattern to it...anyone could see that! Now it's random to say the least...and there's only three colors!

Who do I argue with? The dealer is very bullheaded and unreasonable, saying I should have known the format he would be using...BS!!!! He got his money up front, and could give a crap less whether or not I got what I paid for.

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if the online form you used was incorrect to begin with, then it's not your fault. but that would also mean almost anyone using that particular order form "created" incorrect color schemes for themselves.

if the mistake was made by the dealer transposing colors from your form to the order form), then the dealer should be responsible.

if you misunderstood the form and inserted colors 1 thru 9 into slots 8 thru 9, then it is your responsibility.

my first (and only) new canopy i wanted "purple and lime green." purple to me was dark (blackberry). what i got was exactly what i asked my dealer for. it was this lavender and green THING (purple at PD is a light, pastel purple). i affectionately called it the flying easter turd. it was so ugly i sold it after 5 jumps. that was many years ago. :ph34r: you can bet your ass that i'm meticulous about ANY order that's made now. :ph34r: it was no one's fault but my own.

if the dealer fucked up, they should do the right thing and order another canopy AND help you try to sell that one at a reduced rate to salvage $$.

if you fucked up, then take responsibility for it, try to sell that turd and get another one...or just jump it.


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Thank you very much! My thoughts exactly. I would never have any trouble accepting the blame if I had been at fault. I am not.

Now I know a little about how women must feel when they get bamboozled by some "all knowing" car mechanic or such.

There always has been, and always will be right and wrong. Never mind who has the best line of bull. I'm right, and the dealer knows it! Why else would he squirm so vigorously?

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There WAS a pattern to it...anyone could see that!

It might surprise you to step into a parachute canopy "sweat-shop", which looks like any third-world garment factory. The big outdoor shops like REI have done many tests around the world, and it has been found that uneducated petite asian and latin-american women with small hands are best suited for long hours of precision sewing.

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