
birdman cliff jumping with eagles !

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my partner stane (atair founder) just got back from arco where he and a bunch of friends got some incredible footage (i am told...cant wait to see it).

the based in wing suits and tied pieces of meat to their wrists..the eagles would soar down in formation for lunch...

they are going back next week, i think robert will go too.

i'm jealous :(...cant make it out till november...


Daniel Preston <><>
atairaerodynamics.com (sport)
atairaerospace.com (military)

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Just got back from there myself. Leo Dickinson and friends are playing with some Peregrine Falcons. Is this the same group? I missed Stane.

Got back late last night. Will post pictures and info about my pre-second BirdMan BASE jump when I get some time!

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Incidentally, I flew with a red tail hawk under canopy yesterday. Did a hop and pop and found myself about 50 feet above him. He was apparently curious, as he flew up to my level, and stayed within twenty feet off to my right for about fifteen seconds before taking off.

It hadn't happened to me before, but from what I now hear, these birds are naturally curious about what else is in the air, and will come in to investigate. Really, really amazing visuals.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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