
Birdman @ Panama City Swoop Festival & Boogie

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Just wondering how many birdman are going to attend the Panama City Swoop Competition and Boogie. I was told Chuck, Jairo, and Dan (diveout) will be there to flock.

Any other birdmen out there who plan on attending, bring your wingsuit so we can do some big way flocking dives.
The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over - Hunter S. Thompson

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A few of us DeLand Birds will be there. We'll likely be flying on Friday the 2nd. After that, we're going to be all about lazing on the beach drinking cold margaritas with friends while watching the best of the best swoop the sh@! out of their high-speed handkerchiefs.

Skymonkey: Will you do first timers there? Jari and I turned Lyle down on that due to the fact that baby birds sometimes loose their way and there's that big body of water to contend with. Nice money pic, by the way. Did you do something different with your hair?

-Kimberly Griffin

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Whhooops, error in the email above. I meant "monkey" pic. Damn these little laptop keyboards. (I'm at home right now.)

Time to run. Almost time to hit the BirdOffice for a busy work day and then some flying later this afternoon. Oh, how life sucks! :ph34r: NOT

Life, gotta love it!

(Hmmmm... my Griffin pic did not come out so well. Bummer.)

-Kimberly Griffin

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Wait... okay, let me rephrase the question to Skymonkey:

Will you be teaching the first wingsuit course while in Panama City?

And, if my memory serves me correctly, Skymonkey has someone of his own to do, so the "first-timers" may be safe after all.


-Kimberly Griffin

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For those of us who are clueless, when is the Panama City thingy? And can anyone sign up? Basically, where do I get more info (I tried looking through the Events forum, but couldn't seem to find it).
I was just there last weekend, and am in easy striking distance. It might be fun to roll down there and flock around a bit. Plus, I saw the most interesting crane...
Edit: Ooops, just found it buried down there. Don't I look foolish?
-- Tom Aiello


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