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Just flew it. OH MY GOD! It was actually not too tough to fly. A little wobbly on max-out attempts, but I'm sure I'll smooth it out. Shut my ProTrack off at 8800 feet. :) I only did that once after a big swoop in my GTi, but managed to do it in standard flight (yes, it was in SLO mode)!

Definitely the quietest dive I've been on. Took a lot of strength to get the arms all the way out and hold them there. I also had to fly knees down a bit while I was getting the A-frame, but then straightened the legs out and all went silent. Amazingly stable. Got the hackey on the first try. Much easier in the air than on the ground (did at LEAST 75 practice reaches and a few pulls on the ground). And it's really, really comfortable. Easy to remove everything under canopy, as well. I'm in love.

Pics soon.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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I released them twice and realized how much I like them. I found that if you are holding the grippers, then your arms are basically in the right position. One thing I really like about this suit (and there are very many) is that you can't go "over" the perfect frame. On the GTi, you have room to be less efficient in either direction. The S3 basically gives you a collapsed to perfect frame on both the legs and the arms. Now having the strength to keep everything all the way out the entire time... whoo... that'll be awhile.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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