HankEllis 1 #1 June 19, 2003 As a newbie Bird-Man, I've got a lot to learn about my GTi. My experience 1800 total jumps, 1 jump with Jari on a Classic (60 mph fallrate), and 5 jumps with my new GTi. For some reason I don't seem to be getting the slow fall rate and forward speed I should. Fall rate feels to be in the 70 - 80 mph range. Tried various body and arm positions without much luck. The one experience that really has my head scratching is the up and down pitching (buffeting) that I can easily get into. Bending my legs only slightly will stop the buffeting. Any ideas? Tips? Till later Hank Ellis Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TB99 0 #2 June 19, 2003 Hi Hank! Welcome to the wonderful world of skyflying brother! I have no idea how you can "feel" like you're going 70-80, hehe, I couldn't do that ... try borrowing a pro-trackThe best thing I can say is PRACTICE! Just keep flying it, it will seriously come naturally! Two things can cause buffeting, being stiff and not relaxed is one, and the other is if you are spreading your legs too wide! You should look at all your wings, there should be a nice curve and fully inflated. That includes your leg wing, don't tension it up so much, leave the knees pretty much straight and toes pointed, but not so wide the leg wing is tight instead of curved. Practice Practice Practice, just keep on jumping man! Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #3 June 19, 2003 one word REEEEEEEEELLLLLLAAAAAAXXXXX and have fun. I only have mayeb 60-70+ BM jumps, and the best ones are when i am relaxed and having funLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ManBird 0 #4 June 20, 2003 Buffeting is mainly going to happen when your arm wings are disproportionate to your tail. In the GTi, your stance should be about double the width of your body. Legs straight toes pointed. Arms should should be out far, elbows as far towards your head and away from you as possible. Shoulders should be rolled forwards. Give yourself a slight d-arch. As you really start to hit it, you might get "speed wobbles". Just relax and push your hips down until the oscillation ends, then give it another go."¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯" Click Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites