
What would the repurcussions be...

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As it is, unless you actually touch the wing, you would never know there was mylar in the wing so for preinflation purposes I just don't see it, as the mylar is actuall a bit heavier than the material so it's not like the mylar is actually opening or giving shape to the wing/cells before it hits the wind. Once the cells are inflated the mylar does appear to make the cell walls more rigid and provide a semi rigid non deforming cell.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Hi guys,

I need to say few things regarding the inlets, pressurization, wing inflation and rigid ribs wings. All in order to move the focus of the W/S flyers to the things which are more important for successful lights.

The size of inlets are designed on the suit so that they ensure quick inflation. As soon the wing has the profile and good angle of attack air will start flow around the wing creating the lift. Also wing which is inflated will make less drag which all void to better glide.
I need to say that the size of the inlet ( mash) needed for quick wing inflation is determent in BM suit by three factors:
a. quick enough inflation ( proper placing )
b. technically easy to make
c. nice design

To ensure inflation you can put ONE hole in size of the cigarette(diameter). Believe me, the wing will inflate fast.
No difference if the inlet is big as on S-3 or has the one hole of cigarette size, once you are out of the plane your wings will work same. ( many of you notice that the butt deflector has small inlet, but the inflation has same speed like the arm and leg wings)

Shape of our wings which looks like air profile in the sky are not like that only because of air coming through inlets and inflate the wings. Wings has air profile shape because the air travel around the wings and as long the wing has proper angle of attack the pressure difference between upper and lower part hold the shape of our wings.

Also, even if we have the rigid wing ( no pressure subject ) we will not start fly before we get the speed beyond the stall speed. Each body has different stall speed, mainly depends on your weight..means that the heavier jumper will star flying later than light regardless how good he flyes.
To make clear....The shape of the wings and the size of them will not help your body to start sooner to fly as long your body hasn't meet the stall speed.
(.no need to go more in to aerodynamics details)

Rigid wings ( Mylar )

Mylar will not help you either to start fly faster on the beginning!
It will help once you start flying ( after you get beyond Your Sall Speed ) . How the mylar helps?! Mylar keep the profile more firm and steady, which produce less vibrations especially of the trailing edge. Also with mylar we can play more precise, making the profile which will hold the same shape in the sky, distortion free let say...


Guys to ensure the good fly you better put attention to all the details which may cause additional drag!!!
Heavy clotting under the suit ( stash bag on your bally under the suit), heavy gloves, open zippers, stuff like Video camera on your helmet, to big helmet, bad body position.. etc.

I hope you understand what I said. :))

Regards to all W/S flyers

Robert Pecnik

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Hi guys,

I need to say few things regarding the inlets, pressurization, wing inflation and rigid ribs wings. All in order to move the focus of the W/S flyers to the things which are more important for successful lights.

The size of inlets are designed on the suit so that they ensure quick inflation. As soon the wing has the profile and good angle of attack air will start flow around the wing creating the lift. Also wing which is inflated will make less drag which all void to better glide.
I need to say that the size of the inlet ( mash) needed for quick wing inflation is determent in BM suit by three factors:
a. quick enough inflation ( proper placing )
b. technically easy to make
c. nice design

To ensure inflation you can put ONE hole in size of the cigarette(diameter). Believe me, the wing will inflate fast.
No difference if the inlet is big as on S-3 or has the one hole of cigarette size, once you are out of the plane your wings will work same. ( many of you notice that the butt deflector has small inlet, but the inflation has same speed like the arm and leg wings)

Shape of our wings which looks like air profile in the sky are not like that only because of air coming through inlets and inflate the wings. Wings has air profile shape because the air travel around the wings and as long the wing has proper angle of attack the pressure difference between upper and lower part hold the shape of our wings.

Also, even if we have the rigid wing ( no pressure subject ) we will not start fly before we get the speed beyond the stall speed. Each body has different stall speed, mainly depends on your weight..means that the heavier jumper will star flying later than light regardless how good he flyes.
To make clear....The shape of the wings and the size of them will not help your body to start sooner to fly as long your body hasn't meet the stall speed.
(.no need to go more in to aerodynamics details)

Rigid wings ( Mylar )

Mylar will not help you either to start fly faster on the beginning!
It will help once you start flying ( after you get beyond Your Sall Speed ) . How the mylar helps?! Mylar keep the profile more firm and steady, which produce less vibrations especially of the trailing edge. Also with mylar we can play more precise, making the profile which will hold the same shape in the sky, distortion free let say...


Guys to ensure the good fly you better put attention to all the details which may cause additional drag!!!
Heavy clotting under the suit ( stash bag on your bally under the suit), heavy gloves, open zippers, stuff like Video camera on your helmet, to big helmet, bad body position.. etc.

I hope you understand what I said. :))

Regards to all W/S flyers

Robert Pecnik

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So... sounds like airlocking would be useless, as well. Good to know. Now I have no need or desire to butcher my GTi. :)

The MTR-1 is airlocked, which, IMO, would be even more useless, because the size and shape of the wing doesn't leave much of a potentially "flappy" trailing edge.

As far as mylar ribbing goes, I'd like to know if it really is making that much of a difference. That is, I could definitely see them making a difference for somewhat relaxed flight, but when flying just about any suit properly, even the S3, the trailing edge is rock solid. Is the mylar ribbing a crutch, or does it actually improve flight for even the best body position?
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Hi Blair,
Was so much fun!! Six of us were there.
It took us 3 hour hike for first jump and two for second. We were lucky cause on second we just made jump one minute before clouds come there and close the spot for the rest of the day.
Stane ( Troll guy ) did nice 18 sec delay, tracking and I did 1'13'' W/S flight ( not 1'18''- this was SMS comunication mistake ):|

....next time I'll try to reach the Grimelwald :)Robi
Robert Pecnik

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In the old days we use to practice style hanging from a small A frame. has anybody tried seting something like that in a wind tunnel and trying different mods. on a wing suit?

If the bird man is tethered right you could change his angle of attack to relitive wind and get abetter idea how things work.

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In the old days we use to practice style hanging from a small A frame. has anybody tried seting something like that in a wind tunnel and trying different mods. on a wing suit?

If the bird man is tethered right you could change his angle of attack to relitive wind and get abetter idea how things work.

The only wind tunnel that would work is one for aircraft testing.. a vertical wind tunnel will just throw you up against the wall over and over again (it's been attempted, even with people hanging on, etc)

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