
triathlon canopies

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they are rock solid canopies, decent openings and nice landings. If you are looking for performance however, you wont find it here....... the standard model can be used for casual CRW quite easily, and they do offer a CRW model.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Tri's are good canopies. They're relatively docile rectangular zp 7 cells so they don't turn quite as fast as a Spectre or other "semi elliptical" 7 cell does. They don't seem to tolerate higher wingloadings well.

Older Tri's are made with the same "less slippery" fabric used on Hornets and other PISA canopies. This made them much easier to pack than a PD, Icarus or Precision zp main. Newer Tri's are built of the same kind of slippery snot that the other US manufacturers use.

I'd recommend packing like they show in the Triathlon packing video that is available from Aerodyne (it's like $20).

If you're looking for a relatively docile 7 cell, the Tri is a good choice. If you're looking for a lot of performance then I'd suggest something different.

imho, of course. ;)

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I just bought a Triathlon 220 a couple months ago, and I love it! Now bear in mind that it is my pre-second canopy (wait, I already bought the beer), and before that I was jumping tired old student canopies. But it is easy to pack, very controlable, and I finally get stand up landings!

Larry A-43434

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I don't have much experience with other canopies but I really like my Tria 150. What I can say about it is that it feels rock solid and is very stable in turbulent winds. Opening are extremly soft but they do snivel for ages... So it's something get used to and it's something I could do without for hop n' pops. The landings are great and I have stood every landing so far on mine at 1.23: 1 wingloading. It feels plenty zippy to me but it's still docile enough to accept some piloting mistakes.
I would not buy one brand new, but a used one is great for a first canopy to learn on. Not to mention they are much easier to pack than other ZP canopies. So also a great choice for the novice jumper learning how to pack!

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Tri's are excellent 1st canopies. Just be careful when packing, if packed with care the openings are great, if packed sloppily they can bite you!
You'll never set a swooping record!
Tri's are solid in turbulent conditions, have a wide control range, and are all around good canopies to learn on. If you are (and stay, like me) a conservative canopy pilot a Tri is a great canopy.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I am a newbie, and just bought a new tri 190. I've got 10 jumps on in and I have no complaints yet, except for the fact that it is a bit snivley. All of my openings have been more than 1000ft. I just plan for a really soft opening and pull a bit higher. My landings have been great, and from what I hear, the ZP material they use is not as slick as most, therefore it packs easier than let say a Sabre.


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