
container size

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I was just wondering......i wanna be a freeflyer(when i grow up:D) and was just thinkin..........is a smaller container better for freeflying? Cuz, when i buy my own gear i want a smaller container and not a big bulky one with a big canopy after student status. So, would it be a good idea to wait before buying gear right after student status, so i could down size in conopy size and get a smaller container. Or do you think that it would take to long to downsize enough to get a smaller canopy for a smaller container.

Another thing, im 16 , obsessed with skydiving and havent even jumped yet so ya.......i have no experiance what soever. .........unless you count a 10ft. base jump off my roof when i was 6 or so.:S:S. but i have been reading everything and anything i could get my hands on, and searching posts about everything that i didnt understand. And i know that i wont understand things fully untell i actually jump and do aff and learn about the equipment in person with an instructor ......so ya......

sorry if i seem like a idiot who thinks he knows what hes talking about[:/]im just obsessed with skydiving and think that you are the luckiest people in the world . ( been saving money since 9th grade to be able to get through a tandem and aff)so ya.................thanks for anything.:)

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No matter what you do you still have to be able to land safely. So, you will want to get a container that fits the right parachute for you at the time. If it's a bigger container than you'd like, use it more and get the experience to safely fly something smaller. Also, you really don't want to rent gear longer than you have to (fit, availability, price per jump). Buy used and you shouldn't get hit real hard on resale.


the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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