
Hi, my name is Mike.....

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...and I'm a nylon crack addict.

Went out to Deland today, and did a BM jump with Ray. Absolutely-freaking-awsome! I was completely amazed with the distance we covered. We exited about 1/4 mile upwind of the airport, flew upwind for a few seconds, 90 left turn to fly crosswind for about 15 seconds, then turned downwind....and ended up about 1/2 mile the other side of the airport(the runway we flew along is 6,000ft long, so we must have covered a good 2 miles overall). Needless to say, I was damn impressed(and giggling like a school girl after I got under canopy).

I only got to make one other jump today before the weather moved in....but I did buy a used Classic I suit from Skydive Deland($250, and it fits great!)...and then went over to Birdman to be measured for a new S3. I figure by the time the S3 is done, I will easily have 50+ flights on the Classic.

I look forward to flying with many of you over the holidays in Eloy! Hopefully 4-6 weeks will be enough time to dial in the S3 enough to hang with the rest of you flyin 'em.


edit: For those of you considering trying a BM suit.....Asaf at BM told me that with my experience, I could just read the manual and then go fly a suit. I'm sure they would've given me a quick ground lesson when I picked the suit up at their shop, but I didn't think it was a good idea for me to go that route when there are several BMI's at Deland. I highly recommend getting instruction before/on your first flight.

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NICE! That's a pretty excellent way to go about getting into flying a suit. "Yeah... got some instruction, nabbed a Classic I for dirt cheap while my new S3 is being made." You lucky bastard. If it weren't for the humidity and lack of affordable healthy cuisine, I'd move down there.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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I'm sure they would've given me a quick ground lesson when I picked the suit up at their shop, but I didn't think it was a good idea for me to go that route when there are several BMI's at Deland. I highly recommend getting instruction before/on your first flight.

Wing suit flights are so much better when you can fly with others regardless of experience and abilities. The more experience the second person has the better for minor critiques and major adaboys. You also have a gauge on how your flight is going not to mention its kick ass fun. I fly with others when I try a new or different suit so that I have a known quantity as a gauge, usually somebody I fly with often.
Of the people that just were not impressed with their wing suit demos, yes sad to say I know of a select few some even sold there old classics cuz they were bored, it always came down to being solo. I also know of some people who had prior wingsuit experience (1-3 jumps) felt it was no big deal then get invited on a small flock with a borrowed suit and BAM! Nylon crack, gotta sell the kids into slavery to to pay for this. Its the same drug! First impressions are very important in this sport. You did it right my friend. Welcome to the flock.
And don't fret having a second suit as a loner it will pay for itself.

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Hey my rig should be arriving today, you coming to Sebastian this weekend? B|

I'm planning on it, but it's looking like the weather may not be cooperating with me tomorrow. The forecast for Sunday looks decent, though. I'll drop in when I get there and see if you can go out and play!


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Couldnt have been a better day for the jump, tall puffies, lots of stuff to fly around. Im glad you had fun, when you come back to order your suit, or pick up your s3 look me up, well do a jump. have fun.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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