
FirstFlock Photos!

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Here are a few screen grabs from our (Steve Enns and me, Murray Stevens) first flocking dives in Saskatchewan on Saturday October 18th, 2003. We made the most of an exceptional fall day up here..ground temp on the high 60's, altitude about 38.

We had an excellent time! On the third dive Steve docked on my left hand, popped up, slid over and docked on my right.

Our exits worked really well. I went out first, reached out on the strut as far as I could and swung right off so that Steve could have his left foot on the wheel and his right leg free. I basically did a chin up while he got set. Kind of neat to open and close the leg wing while hanging there and float up and down on the prop blast. I left a bit early each time, which was nice because having him in front of me and in my field of vision made it easy to fly back up to him.

We were flying pretty dirty when flying in proximity but our concentration was on being smooth. At the end of each dive we would start maxing out..it'll take a while to fly as close to each other when flying closer to the edges of our envelopes.

Good times! fyi, Steve has ~900 jumps and 15 wingsuit jumps, I have 2200 jumps and 7 wingsuit jumps.

Thanks again to everybody who has helped me on here....yesterday was truly a ton of fun!:)

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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