
flock eloy

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Someone suggested a plane full of wingsuits in eloy at the holiday boogie. Lets think BIG! How about a formation load. Three otters full of birdmen and birdwomen ( who must be naked underneath their suits, just because). And we'll need altitude, (another because for the birdgirls to be naked).

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The BIG FLOCK in Eloy is a very real possibility.

Some serious input from all you experienced flockers is not only welcome, but requested and respected.. Lets plan ahead, and be squared away with the DZ regards, flight plan, breakoff, landing, etc., etc.,......

BB is at nationals this week, so I'll not bother her yet, but get your questions and answeres in order for the big game plan.

I'm getting horny thinking about 60 + birdmen and birdgirls in the air. SAFETEY FIRST. BALLS OUT FUN!

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Nothing than what everyone else knows....we will have a BM big way and if there are enough birds for a full plane then so be it. As for safety, it will be covered before the jump. If you haven't already, I suggest all those interested read the following ARTICLE
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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very cool Lou, thanks.
And to all birdmen and birdwomen headed to Eloy in December, please, please, give lots of thought to safety and responsible skydiving. I think that we all may experience a new environment with regards to the number of wingsuit flyers. It'll be a blast, but remember that we may set precedence for future large flock boogies. I don't mean "rules" and shit like that, but we all have to have the presence of mind to be very, very safe.
This will include respecting other jump disciplines.
And blah, blah, blah, blah...........

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